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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. I have a repeating macro that I need some help with; time/date is my kryptonite. 1. Need to be able to start with a specific date in the past in MMDDYYYY format; I think I have this part...but probably not I think I'm close under set "Specific Date?Time "Specific Date" and set format and "type out." That part I can get. 2. Upon repeat, I need it to increment the specific date +1. I see the tools in there that adjust the day from the current date, but I can't seem to modify from the original set date. I'm pulling my hair out...please help. The rest of the macro is flawless... just need to change the date one day at a time.
  2. Limiting the scope is a good idea. In this case I guess that could work. It's counting USB button presses to track individual pod productivity. So there are 20 total cells...and "1" just means pod 1 finished a unit... "2" means pod 2 finished a unit. PLAN B could be to just do it all in excel... but organizing the data via MacroExpress makes all the fancy calculations much easier. In a perfect world, it would just be "running" and "listening" and only performing the task once it "heard" the button press...which is essentially what I get now with individual macros and global on off control via the ME control panel. It's just one more thing to have to teach them I guess.
  3. I've done a lot of really cool file renaming projects with FileRenamer. Works a lot like the old Tag&Rename.
  4. Thanks for the reply Samrae. I started to program the macro this AM. It works beautifully as individual macros, but it renders the machine utterly useless as I've highjacked all the keys. The macro trigger is currently a single button press, in this case "1", and the next macro "2", and the next macro "3". What I'm looking for a is a way to embed all these macros into one macro; mostly to free up the keyboard, where the macro is running and essentially listens for the input of "1" and then performs the task. Here is my Macro for "1" <TEXTTYPE:<CTRLD>g<CTRLU>A1<ENTER><CTRLD><ARROW DOWN><CTRLU><ARROW DOWN>1> Here is my Macro for "2" <TEXTTYPE:<CTRLD>g<CTRLU>C1<ENTER><CTRLD><ARROW DOWN><CTRLU><ARROW DOWN>2> I think what I am looking for is macro this is listening for an input then performing that set of commands.
  5. Been using this software for years and have a problem that is outside my experience. I have a macro that I need to program that moves DATA around in Excel as it gets entered. Essentially when "1" gets entered, it needs to CONTROL+G, TYPE A1, Then CONTROL+DownArrow, then type 1+Enter. When "2" gets entered, it needs to CONTROL+G, TYPE B1, Then CONTROL+DownArrow, then type 2+Enter. I can program these independently but I'm sure it can be done neatly in a single macro and not use up 10 to 20 buttons.Second, is how do I nest what is essentially up to 20 triggers in the macro. THANKS A MILLION For you help!
  6. Been using this software for years and have a problem that is outside my experience. I have a macro that I need to program that moves DATA around in Excel as it gets entered. Essentially when "1" gets entered, it needs to CONTROL+G, TYPE A1, Then CONTROL+DownArrow, then type 1+Enter. When "2" gets entered, it needs to CONTROL+G, TYPE B1, Then CONTROL+DownArrow, then type 2+Enter. I can program these independently but I'm sure it can be done neatly in a single macro and not use up 10 to 20 buttons.Second, is how do I nest what is essentially up to 20 triggers in the macro. THANKS A MILLION For you help!
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