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Alexis last won the day on June 19 2015

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  1. Hey everyone, for some reason when using Mouse Move with a negative x value it ignores it and stays at x = 0 (negative x is the monitor to the left of my center monitor). Accidentally I figured out that issuing a Mouse Move 0, 0 before a Mouse Move -1000, 500 works just fine. Makes no sense to me. Is this just a bit buggy for me?
  2. I like to use a Google sheet which contains MEX Direct Code in certain cells. By hoovering and starting a master makro MEX then interprets the content of the cell. One use case is that MEX runs direct code which is in such a cell in a variable. Works like a charm. Except when the direct code contains a "Paste rich text" command. I did not copy text of another application into the paste rich text command. I just edited the text in the command itself and then copied the direct code. Can anybody confirm that MEX cannot perform the "Paste rich text" command when It's written in Direct code and run by "Run macro in variable"?
  3. Hey everyone, I noticed that when I use a Text Type - Paste Rich Text command via the Run Macro in Variable command, I get syntax errors. Example: <TEXT TYPE Action="3" Text="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1031{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\\f1\\fnil Courier New;}}\r\n{\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green128\\blue0;}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs20 fqwe\r\n\\par tr\r\n\\par \\cf1\\b\\fs44 qg\r\n\\par as\r\n\\par g\r\n\\par asd\\fs20 \r\n\\par g\r\n\\par w\\cf0\\b0 \r\n\\par qw\r\n\\par rz\r\n\\par ezrte\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n"/> throws a syntax error, while any other type like Use Clipboard and Paste Text works fine Example: <TEXT TYPE Action="1" Text="fqwe\r\ntr\r\nqg\r\nas\r\ng\r\nasd\r\ng\r\nw\r\nqw\r\nrz\r\nezrte"/> The Rich Text one runs just fine when not run with Run Macro in Variable. Do I have to edit something manually in the direct code or is Text Type - Paste Rich Text just incompatible with Run Macro in Variable? Haven't had this issue with any other command I used so far.
  4. Thank you very much for your input. Actually it never happens that "C:"\ is in the title as the window title shows only the current folder name. I guess i have to define a handle variable for each instance of win explorer like %ex1% to %ex5% to "handle" those windows reliable. This also has the advantage that i can adress each window individually which might be useful. 😉
  5. So it's not possible like, having multiple Chrome windows, and making them visible via "set window order" or activating them one after another, because Chrome always has Chrome in all of it's window titles. While WinExplorer windows always have the current opened folder as window title, correct?
  6. Hey everyone, how do I activate all opened WinExplorer Windows? Their window title have different names depending on which folder is open. I tried to activate "explorer.exe" which I thought would be the application behind the WinExplorer windows, but that doesn't work. Is that even possible?
  7. Just a random discovery: XENCELABS Quick Keys is able to send Hotkeys to Q-Dir. Seems like it's programmed differently.
  8. Well at least I managed to make the gap smaller, by changing some registry values to 0 BorderWidth and PaddedBorderWidth HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
  9. I tested it with your Script, on the first move the Window is at -8, -8 which appears to exactly align with the Borders of my screen. After the Second move to 0, 0 the left side has a space between the border of the screen and the window, I captured a picture. It's like MEX assumes that Windows in WIN10 have a bigger, transparent border on the left side.
  10. Hey everyone, has anyone noticed an odd behaviour on Win10 and MEX Pro 4 using Window Move? If I move a Window to X: 0 and Y: 0 it's on the top border but about 8px to the right of the left border, to correct this I would have to use X: -8 . Why is that? On Win7 it seems to be working with X: 0
  11. I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everybody contributing here. Now i know that there are some MEX resistant programs out there. And that it makes sense to code a workaround instead of wasting time with searching an error somehow. This is what i learned about it. 😄 By the way. What i really love about this freeware Q-Dir is that you can define Favorites which change all four panes/folder views at once. So i created different setups for Office or for writing music. Don´t hesitate to ask me, if you would like to know more.
  12. As i said, as i already have the activation of the four panes at my fingertips i am more interested in a deeper understanding how MEX works and why in some cases (Q-Dir) MEX fails to work. I think we all know MEX good enough to come up with dozen workarounds. But why does Q-Dir ignores certain keysends via MEX which work perfectly if typed manually?
  13. Great workaround Alan. Thank you! I posted here also as it was the first time i experienced this odd behaviour. So what do we learn from this? Are some programs just MEX resistant?
  14. Well, Q-Dir has four seperate path areas. I use those to select the pane via mouse actions as the shortcuts CTRL 1 -4 don´t work.
  15. You can config the layouts in the menu Extras "View Settings" i guess. (Don´t know exactly as my interface is in german.)
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