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  1. Sometimes things get better with newer versions and sometimes they get worse. One thing that is much worse with is the 'hard-coded' tiny fonts in the action list and the tiny toolbar icons. Elsewhere, MEX properly uses scalable fonts, but here they went very wrong from the prior Not everyone is on a low-res or huge monitor. I don't know how to say this any clearer than that. On my 1680x1050 monitor these rediculously tiny UNADJUSTABLE fonts ruin the experience. Am I supposed to increase my eyeglass prescription just to read MacroExpress? Please, if you don't understand what 'scalable fonts' means, please google it and you will learn a valuable lesson. For me, I'm going back to and not updating until this bad-customer-experience issue is corrected. You have an excellent product! Please don't diminish it with useless tiny non-scalable fonts! Thank you.
  2. Ah! At least two users are now requesting scalable fonts in Pro like Version 3.x has . I use a business class 15.4" notebook with 1680 x 1050 resolution and tiny non-scalable fonts are a pain (as they are on most higher resolution monitors). I can lower my LCD resolution down to 1440 x 900. The fonts are now bigger but everything gets fuzzier; either way it is a frustrating experience. It seems there are other functional/navigation/usability advantages to Version 3.x as well. Users should not have to lose these (from Version 3.x) for the additional features available in Pro. Perhaps we should forward this thread to the developers/support?
  3. Alan, I agree with you, but this does not address the difficulty in reading the smaller, non-dynamic, non-user-changeable fonts in the Pro version. I recently discovered an opportunity to use the Get Pixel Color option only found in the Pro version. I didn't think the font issue was really a bug so I posted the concern here. I would sure like to get a response from Insight Software Solutions, or better yet see it corrected in the Pro version.
  4. While Macro Express Pro has additional features many of them very useful, when compared to the non-Pro version (Macro Express 3.8), the Pro version suffers from hard-coded non-dynamic fonts, especially in the Command List, Grid, and Categories List. This essentially make the Pro version much more difficult to work with on higher resolution displays because hard-coded/non dynamic fonts remain too small or tiny on many of these higher resolution displays. Pro also lacks the ability to change Grid and Category fonts. In the Pro version, only Script fonts can be changed, while fonts for all three areas can be changed in Macro Express 3.x. Fortunately, Macro Express 3.x (non-Pro) does not suffer from this built-in limitation. Anyone deciding which version to purchase may want to consider this in their evaluation.
  5. Thank you Alan and Kevin. I always keep backups. I tried exporting a 4.x playable macro and converting it to MEX 3.x, but coding is quite different in some cases, so I just recreated the macro in 3.x and all went well. The (playable/text) code generated by 4.x is actually much easier to read than 3.x. By the way, have you heard of any cases where MEX 4.x macros actually run slower than in MEX 3.x in Firefox?
  6. I find 3.x macros to be faster in some case so I would like to convert a few macros from 4.x Pro to ME 3.x. I've tried to export from 4 as playable (text) but nothing imports properly into 3.x. Is there a way to do this even if it requires some editing of text files? Thanks in advance!
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