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Bullet Proof Global Commands


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My global command hot keys had a fairly high success rate. Recently, after upgrading to 3.9, running my global command hot keys often activates the current window short-cut instead of the macroexpress global command.


Is there a way to force a Macro Express global command hot key instead of the open window short-cut?

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If I understand correctly, you have two macros activated by the same hotkey. The scope of one is global (let's call it A), and of the other is window or program specific (let's call it B, and assume its scope is window C).


When window C is focused and you press the hotkey, do you want A to activate? If yes, then I would say everything is working as it should. To my way of thinking, a window or program specific macro should take precedent over a global macro.

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It may be that when two macros have the same activation the macro that runs would be the one that comes first in the macro file. But, I don't think Macro Express tells you the order of the macros in the macro file.


Macro Express Pro gets around this with the 'Global Except' option. This allows you to write a macro that will run all the time except when certain windows are active.

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If I understand correctly, you have two macros activated by the same hotkey. The scope of one is global (let's call it A), and of the other is window or program specific (let's call it B, and assume its scope is window C).


When window C is focused and you press the hotkey, do you want A to activate? If yes, then I would say everything is working as it should. To my way of thinking, a window or program specific macro should take precedent over a global macro.


I'm just talking about using one global macro. For example, if I am in Outlook and run a global command initiated by alt+; it should activate my Act database (to start a look up of a name and phone number). About half the time, it drops down a menu in Outlook rather than activating the Act database. Rather than activating the Act program first, the macro is running the commands in Outlook about half the time.

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Great thought, I will give that a try.


I think the problem is more related to the weakness in the activate window command. Many of my macros begin with the activate command and often result in just a flashing task bar icon. As a result, the macro key strokes are played out in the wrong window.

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