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On-the-fly screenshot / crop / save

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Taking a screenshot should be a quick and trivial thing, but it's a pain when you have to launch a graphics program just to crop and save an image. This is an on-the-fly way to take and save screenshots, in particular a mouse-defined rectangular zone (screen and window capture are also available), with minimal keyboard or mouse interaction and no lingering background processes.


This is a simple macro that calls Lightscreen, a dinky (550K .exe) program, which prompts for a mouse-defined rectangle. After mousing the capture zone, the screenshot is taken and put to the clipboard, a Save As dialog pops up prefilled with default filename prefix, then Lightscreen is killed.


Change the Lightscreen settings if you want to do something else, then adjust the macro. You may need to add some delay or key/mouse speed limits if the macro glitches.



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