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"if Not Window Title Running" Fails


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Hello folks,


I have a macro designed to test my ADSL line by starting a browser, pointing it to Microsoft & checking for a an IE titlebar containing "Corporation" not existing (ie no intenet connection and IE returns a failure page). Should be that if it gets past the condition then the router gets rebooted.


Thing is it gets past the If even when the microsoft home page loads ok.



Then it doesn't shut the windows either.


Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?


Here is the macro in Direct format.


<LAUNCHNO3:0:0112Internet Explorer<LAUNCH:C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe><DELAY:.5><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>d><DELAY:.5><TEXTTYPE:www.microsoft.com<ENTER>><DELAY:5><IFOTH:12:2:Corporation><LAUNCHNO3:0:0112Internet Explorer<LAUNCH:C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe><DELAY:.5><DELAY:.5><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>d><DELAY:.5><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><DELAY:1><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><REP3:01:000001:000001:00027:0:01:><TEXTTYPE:<TAB>><ENDREP><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><REP3:01:000001:000001:00033:0:01:><TEXTTYPE:<TAB>><ENDREP><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER><ENTER><ENTER>><DELAY:40><WCLS:><WCLS:Cannot find server><ELSE><WCLS:Corporation><ENDIF>





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I'm sorry I don't have time to review your code right now but I would like to suggest you use the If Ping Successful command instead. This way you don't need to open a browser and all that jazz.

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Works OK for me too;

try re-install of Macro Express 3.5d;

otherwise test you macro a little?

Insert (instead of delay 5 secs)

<WAITWIN2:000010:000000:Corporation><OR><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:Cannot find server><TVAR2:01:06:><TBOX4:T:1:CenterCenter000278000200:000:%T1%>
Wait For Window Title: "Corporation"


Wait For Window Title: "Cannot find server"

Variable Set String %T1% from Window Title

Text Box Display: %T1%

Best, Randall
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