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Output phrase with proper grammar

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I am trying to use a multiple choice menu where multiple answers can be selected. I would then like to use these answers to output a phrase that has correct grammar.


For example, if the multiple choice options are A, B, C, X, Y, Z... the output could be something like:

"The answer is A, B, and C"

"The answer is Z"

"The answer is B, X, Y, and Z"


I can't seem to wrap my head around this problem. Any guidance is much appreciated.

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This will get you fairly close to what you want. It’s not 100 percent but you can work out the bugs. Basically, it extracts one character at a time from the response saved from the menu, and appends the characters to the output message you are building. Mostly it’s a bunch of Variable Modify String commands, and when you get done you will know all about Variable Modify String. :)


Use the multiple-choice version of the menu, saving item value(s) in %T1%. (But you knew that)


Build the beginning of your response in a text variable: Variable Set String %T99% "The answer is "

Variable Set Integer %N99% from Length of Variable %T1% (how many responses saved from menu)


Repeat Until %N99% < 1


Variable Modify String: Copy first character of %T1% to %T90%

Variable Modify String: Append %T90% to %T99%

Variable Modify String: Append “,“ to %T99%

Variable Modify Integer: decrement N99 by 1

Variable Modify String: remove first character from %T1% (the one just moved to the output message)

If N99 = 1 (only one character not yet added to output response)

Variable Modify String: Append “ and “ to %T99%



Repeat End



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I think I would build the string backward. Assuming you have all these in an array I would first get the upper limit. If there are less than two just join them with a comma. If there are more than combine them backward and on the first iteration combine with comma and "and".

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Here is a sample macro that may get you started. (Download this macro by clicking on the filename below.)

// -----------------------------------
//   Make choices
// -----------------------------------
Multiple Choice Menu: Symptoms
Clear Variables // Clear the variable array, just in case the Symptoms variable is reused
Split String "%Symptoms%" on ", " into %SymptomArray%, starting at 1 // Split each choice into a separate element of an array variable
// Loop through each element of the array variable and assemble the output into the Symptoms2 variable
Repeat Start (Repeat 50 times)
  Variable Set Integer %IdxPlus1% to %Idx%
  Variable Modify Integer %IdxPlus1%: Increment
  If Variable %SymptomArray[%Idx%]% Does not Equal "" // If this element of the array is not empty
    If Variable %Symptoms2% Equals "" // Is Symptoms2 empty?
      Variable Set String %Symptoms2% to "%SymptomArray[%Idx%]%"
      If Variable %SymptomArray[%IdxPlus1%]% Equals "" // If the next element is blank we know the current element is the last one
      // Handle the last item
        Variable Set String %Symptoms2% to "%Symptoms2% and %SymptomArray[%Idx%]%"
        Repeat Exit // Last item processed, exit the repeat loop
      // Add this item to the list
        Variable Set String %Symptoms2% to "%Symptoms2%, %SymptomArray[%Idx%]%"
      End If
    End If
  End If
End Repeat
// -----------------------------------
//   Display result
// -----------------------------------
Text Box Display: Result

Sample-Multiple Choice And.mex

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I think I would build the string backward. Assuming you have all these in an array I would first get the upper limit. If there are less than two just join them with a comma. If there are more than combine them backward and on the first iteration combine with comma and "and".



I figured left to right might be easier to visualize. But you're correct, right to left is a little simpler.

Thank you both! very helpful

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Here is a sample macro that may get you started. (Download this macro by clicking on the filename below.)

// -----------------------------------
//   Make choices
// -----------------------------------
Multiple Choice Menu: Symptoms
Clear Variables // Clear the variable array, just in case the Symptoms variable is reused
Split String "%Symptoms%" on ", " into %SymptomArray%, starting at 1 // Split each choice into a separate element of an array variable
// Loop through each element of the array variable and assemble the output into the Symptoms2 variable
Repeat Start (Repeat 50 times)
  Variable Set Integer %IdxPlus1% to %Idx%
  Variable Modify Integer %IdxPlus1%: Increment
  If Variable %SymptomArray[%Idx%]% Does not Equal "" // If this element of the array is not empty
    If Variable %Symptoms2% Equals "" // Is Symptoms2 empty?
      Variable Set String %Symptoms2% to "%SymptomArray[%Idx%]%"
      If Variable %SymptomArray[%IdxPlus1%]% Equals "" // If the next element is blank we know the current element is the last one
      // Handle the last item
        Variable Set String %Symptoms2% to "%Symptoms2% and %SymptomArray[%Idx%]%"
        Repeat Exit // Last item processed, exit the repeat loop
      // Add this item to the list
        Variable Set String %Symptoms2% to "%Symptoms2%, %SymptomArray[%Idx%]%"
      End If
    End If
  End If
End Repeat
// -----------------------------------
//   Display result
// -----------------------------------
Text Box Display: Result

thank you!

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