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Tips for beginners

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No classes. There was only one book written by my esteemed friend Joe Weinpert,Macro Express Explained. It's out of print now but you can buy the PDF form ISS. But it's for ME3, not MEP. But many of the fundamentals are the same. I also want you to try and used named variables. I think that's something that many get stuck on the old ways and it damages the way you think about variables. Many sample macros come with the program. Go though those. And there are many resources and examples on the ISS website. And besides that, get in and try things. Post here when you get stuck, we like to help . I recommend making simple example macros when you have a problem and export them to a file to post on the problem. Use the comments a lot in the macro. The easier you make it for us to understand your problem, the more likely we are to answer.

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Go methodically through the commands and use them one by one in very simple macros.  Use the Help system.  When you do something for learning purposes, make frequent use of Text Box Display so you can see the result.  Sounds tedious and probably is, but I should have done it early on.  I still occasionally find command options that I have never used. 

A couple simple examples: 

Variable Set String %T1% "   ABCD   "
Variable Set String %T2% "   EFGH   "
Variable Modify String: Append %T2% to %T1%
Text Box Display: T1 result is ***%T1%***
Variable Modify String: Trim %T1%
Text Box Display: T1 result is ***%T1%***
Variable Set String %T1% "000123"
Text Box Display: T1 result is %T1%
Variable Modify String: Convert %T1% to integer %N1%
Text Box Display: N1 result is %N1%
Variable Modify Integer: Convert %N1% to text string %T1%
Text Box Display: T1 result is %T1%

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I have taught many hands-on Macro Express courses, but none are currently scheduled. Most courses were hosted by my professional association, RESNA, and took place at its annual conference.

So your best option to learn Macro Express is to apply the dual strategy used by many on this forum:

1. Learn Macro Express through trial-and-error experimentation.

2. Don't hesitate to ask questions on this forum!

There are no shortcuts to learning a program like Macro Express. It's a sophisticated tool – it takes time and effort to get a handle on its complexities. Fortunately, the Help screens in Macro Express are actually helpful… perhaps the best of all of the scripting tools.

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