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David Tong

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  1. Floyd, Thanks for that nice bit of lateral thinking. It works a treat. David.
  2. Every few days I run a macro that: (1) Finds all doc files in My Documents (about 2000 in all) using the Windows Search window. (2) Selects everything in the results window and drags them into a pre-opened Powermarks window. This triggers Powermarks to make a link to each document, with each word in the filename stored as a keyword with the link. The result is that I can use Powermarks to retrieve any document instantly just by typing in the first few letters of one or more keywords. Most of the time Windows Search takes only a few seconds, but sometimes it can take nearly a minute. So it would be nice if the macro could sense when Search has finished. The trouble is, I can’t see how to achieve this and instead I have to insert a crude worst-case wait of about 45 seconds. I tried ‘Get Control %C1%’ on the search output window followed by ‘Wait for Control %C1% to become enabled’ but this has no effect. And ‘Wait for program to terminate’ seems inappropriate because Windows Search isn’t listed as a program. Can anyone suggest a way of detecting the end of a search automatically? Thanks, David Tong.
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