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Everything posted by heech

  1. Hi, Any way to make a HTTP request, and keep the response as a variable...? I'm using MacroExpress Pro with Amazon's EC2 service, and on the virtual servers you create, you can make HTTP requests to get certain parameters: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/2...stancedata.html So if you make a HTTP request with: GET You end up with parameters that were passed in the server. This would be extremely useful to me. Thanks.
  2. It was definitely working for quite some time after the conversion, so I will ignore your comments.
  3. Actually, I believe it was. I take it that means something to you? I know for a fact the macro was converted/imported... I don't recall if the activation itself came over automatically, or if I had to reset it. This would've been 2-3 months ago.
  4. I deleted the activation, and re-added it... and just doing that seems to have resolved the problem.
  5. Hi Cory, I confirmed "last run time" isn't updating, so the macros really isn't firing. System date/time are definitely correct... I'm a little baffled, never had problems before. I also tried rebooting several times. I'll try adding a schedule for a new/simple MEX as you suggested. PS. Oh, not (intentionally) using powershell at all... in any way/shape/form.
  6. Hi, I had a pretty reliable macros which was working for me for about a month. Every morning at 6:30 AM, it would launch a program, jump through a number of menus, etc... and then terminate. But very recently (last few days), the macros hasn't fired as expected... and I haven't been able to figure out why. One thing that catches my attention... my system automatically upgraded/installed Windows Powershell 1.0. Any reason to think that's an issue? The macros is working perfectly for me now if I click "run now". Can someone walk me through the exact settings that should be in the scheduled activation, for it to run (let's say) at 3 PM today? I start by doing this: - right click on the macros, click properties. - under 'activations' tab, highlight my 'Scheduled' activation and select 'Properties', - Select: Run the macro "daily". - Under schedule tab: - Run at 3:00 PM - Check again in 1 day - Under Range tab: - Run the macro indefinitely - Start calculating the next runtime at: 11:30 PM, on 3/31/2009. (I was up late last night tweaking this.. does this value matter, if I just changed the schedule today?) - Run the macro on... Monday-Friday. What am I doing wrong?
  7. I guess I can't figure out how the message windows are remaining on top, without actually gaining focus. If they weren't "on top", I guess I could just ignore that they existed at all.
  8. Hi there, I'm having issues with my very first macros, and would appreciate some help. I'm launching an application (it has a message title of "Command Center"). At certain points, it will pop up a window called "Message"... I want to automate an Alt-O in order to clear the message. My first attempt was very easy, and worked reasonably well: - Scope, program specific (to my application), - Properties, activation based on Window Title ("Message"), - And the script itself: Alt key down, o, alt key up. But then I realized this only works with *modal* message windows. My application sometimes also pops up non-modal message windows which I also want to clear. (It will pop up 4 in parallel, which also seems to confuse things.) And I've noticed that the macros appears to still be executing whenever "Message" gets focused... but sometimes the Alt-O is sent to the main application window behind it, rather than the message window. What am I doing wrong...? I'm a little confused in terms of how to decide when/where the macros is executing... I tried to change my macros to add a "Activate Window - Message", but that didn't seem to have much effect.
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