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Posts posted by Look_Up

  1. You have completely removed the information on the shop page for the upgrade price. A few days ago there was the possibility to upgrade from version 4 to version 6. I think you need to contact Macro Express Support - info@wintools.com to get a discount.

    The upgrade price was: 1 license 19$ 2 licenses 34$ I think

    I don't really know if it's worth switching either. I struggle with myself.



    I don't have any further information than from the website :(


  2. Hello. I want create a macro which is waiting not only for one keys rather two. If you chose A key goto "x". If i chose E key goto "y". Currently Macro Express don't support waiting for 'x' OR 'y' key. Can somebody help me with a workaround ?

    Here is an example from my idea (careful it is not working !)

    MessageBox: Info
    Delay: 1 seconds
    Wait for Key Press: A
    Wait for Key Press: E
    // evaluation
    Switch( %keystroke% )
    Case: A
    // do something useful
    End Case
    Case: E
    // write some text
    End Case
    End Switch
    <MESSAGEBOX Caption="Info" Message="After clicking on OK the macro waiting for keypress 'A' or keypress 'E'" Icon="0"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x01" Time="1"/>
    <WAIT FOR KEY PRESS Key="A" Indefinite="TRUE" Hours="0" Minutes="0" Seconds="0"/>
    <WAIT FOR KEY PRESS Key="E" Indefinite="TRUE" Hours="0" Minutes="0" Seconds="0"/>
    <COMMENT Value="evaluation"/>
    <SWITCH Variable="%keystroke%"/>
    <CASE Value="A"/>
    <COMMENT Value="do something useful"/>
    <END CASE/>
    <CASE Value="E"/>
    <COMMENT Value="write some text"/>
    <END CASE/>

    I appreciate every working idea

  3. The "Activate or Launch" command first looking for a window with the same name. If he find one he will activate it (and don't start notepad.exe)

    <LAUNCH PROGRAM AND ACTIVATE WINDOW Title="Untitled" Exact_Match="FALSE" Wildcards="FALSE" Path="C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe" Mode="\x00" Default_Path="TRUE" Wait="1" Wait_For_Program="12"/>

    Its better to use the command "launch program and activate window" and use 'Untitled' as window name.

    <IF PROGRAM Option="\x01" Program="NOTEPAD.EXE"/>
    <WINDOW ACTIVATE Title="Untitled" Exact_Match="FALSE" Wildcards="FALSE" _IGNORE="0x0006"/>
    <LAUNCH PROGRAM AND ACTIVATE WINDOW Title="Untitled" Exact_Match="FALSE" Wildcards="FALSE" Path="C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe" Mode="\x00" Default_Path="TRUE" Wait="1" Wait_For_Program="12"/>
    <END IF/>


  4. [...] BTW, I'm curious about the way you've named your variables? Why not just names like tVisible, tHidden, tUnderline, etc? Or even T[1], T[2], T[3] to save typing? [...]



    Terry, East Grinstead, UK


    Hey Terry.


    Do you try to restart you MEP ? Sometime MEP behave strange and after a restart it works fine.


    This is my (crazy) way to write variables names ;-) In huge and complex macro, real short macros variable names are not good to identify and so i use long and good readable var.


    Wait a second: i try to open notepad with MEP. Stand by

  5. It's really simple to solve when you know where the bug is hiding.



    Put your commentary from line 5 to line 4 and your waiting for window title from line 4 to line 5. Eh wola - it works.

    <COMMENT Value="Assumes JPG is open in IrfanView"/>
    <TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="ie" _COMMENT="Opens EXIF Info window."/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x01" Time="0.3"/>
    <COMMENT Value="The On Error tab for the last command was set to 'The condition was not met within the specified amount of time'."/>
    <WAIT FOR WINDOW TITLE Title="- EXIF Info" Partial="TRUE" Wildcards="FALSE" Indefinite="FALSE" Hours="0" Minutes="0" Seconds="2" _HANDLE="0x0014"/>
    <ON ERROR/>
    <CATCH ERROR Code="20"/>
    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Error message" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang2057{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs16 No EXIF\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="TRUE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/>
    <END ERROR/>

    The command and the Error handler MUST BE among themselves. No commentary or other code should between this.



  6. Hello Terri,


    please try this peace of code to find out which window is open, hidden or visible

    <COMMENT Value="Initialing"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%text_variable2[1]%" Value="--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%text_variable2[2]%" Value="VISIBLE WINDOW" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%text_variable2[3]%" Value="HIDDEN WINDOW" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value="Write \"visible window\" into textfile"/>
    <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Please wait" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1031{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs16 Please wait while loading and writing Window list...\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="center" Top="366" Width="294" Height="94" Monitor="0" OnTop="FALSE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x02" Delay="0"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x12" Destination="%text_variable2[1]%" Filename="%temp%\\find_window.txt" Strip="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x12" Destination="%text_variable2[2]%" Filename="%temp%\\find_window.txt" Strip="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x12" Destination="%text_variable2[1]%" Filename="%temp%\\find_window.txt" Strip="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value="Write all 'visible window' names into textfile"/>
    <REPEAT WITH WINDOWS ToRetrieve="\x01" SortOrder="\x01" Destination="%text_variable%"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x02" Time="50"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x12" Destination="%text_variable%" Filename="%temp%\\find_window.txt" Strip="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value="Write \"hidden window\" into textfile"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x12" Destination="%text_variable2[1]%" Filename="%temp%\\find_window.txt" Strip="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x12" Destination="%text_variable2[3]%" Filename="%temp%\\find_window.txt" Strip="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x12" Destination="%text_variable2[1]%" Filename="%temp%\\find_window.txt" Strip="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <COMMENT Value="Write all 'hidden window' names into textfile"/>
    <REPEAT WITH WINDOWS ToRetrieve="\x02" SortOrder="\x01" Destination="%text_variable%"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x02" Time="50"/>
    <VARIABLE MODIFY STRING Option="\x12" Destination="%text_variable%" Filename="%temp%\\find_window.txt" Strip="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <TEXT BOX CLOSE Header="Please wait"/>
    <IF MESSAGE Caption="Ready. Open file?" Message="Hey. I'm ready to list all visible and hidden window. The textfile is in \"temp\\find_window.txt\". Do you want open it ?" BtnMode="\x00" Default="TRUE" Left="Center" Top="Center" Monitor="0" Delay="0"/>
    <SHOW DIALOG WINDOW Dialog="Run Programs"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x01" Time="1"/>
    <TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="%temp%\\find_window.txt<ENTER>"/>
    <END IF/>

    This code create a file find_window.txt into %temp% folder. After that he write all window title into this text file. When it's all done he want ask you to open this text file. With Contr.+F you can search for "notepad" window title. Good luck.



  7. Please STOP FULL QUOTE from my post !!!


    Whatever you want to try... Now you know how to get content from clipboard to a variable. Try thinking yourself.


    You can create your own variables and copy one value to another with "Variable modify string" (Copy Whole Text)



    In other case you should tell me exactly what you want to do. Is the second list also in clipboard ? In which order do you want sort the list ? Which person has a higher priority ?

  8. There is a facility to add activations, but 'hotkey' is greyed out.

    The hotkey button is only grey out when you already have set a hotkey.


    Go into macro express editor, open your macro, choose registercard "Activations" - use properties button to change the current hotkey


    "Add" a new one !




  9. You can help youself by try it out. But anyway... Every beginning is difficult

    You can download the full macro at the end of post - see attachment

    Variable Set to ASCII Char 13 to %T[97]% // Save "Carriage Return" in string variable %T[97]%
    Variable Set to ASCII Char 10 to %T[98]% // Save "Line Feed" in string variable %T[98]%
    // merge both variable %T[97]% and %T[98]% to %new_line%
    trigger the same behave like pressing < Enter > on keyboard
    Variable Set String %new_line% to "%T[97]%%T[98]%"
    // Save all content in string variable %full_uncut_content_clipboard%
    Variable Set String %full_uncut_content_clipboard% from the clipboard contents
    // Now, the content from clipboard is in string variable %full_uncut_content_clipboard% but how we get it into T[x] variable ?
    // With "Split String" ... (Variables - Split String)
    Split String "%full_uncut_content_clipboard%" on "%new_line%" into %T%, starting at 1
    // We say: Split String %full_uncut_content_clipboard% on every end of line %new_line%
    // And put them into %T% variable beginning with %T[1]%
    continue with %T[2]%, %T[3]% untill all data is split
    // Now you can do the 2nd job
    Variable Set String %T[20]% to "Tata"
    Variable Set String %T[21]% to "Toto"
    Variable Set String %T[22]% to "Titi"
    // Now we bring it into the correct order
    // Remeber:
    %T[1]% = Maggie
    %T[2]% = Yubie
    %T[3]% = Ned
    %T[4]% = Rufu
    %T[5]% = Lily
    Text Box Display: Show all Names

    You learn faster when you try out some thinks. So see this is a special case.
    Welcome to Macro Express Pro


    Save content from clipboard.mex

  10. Change the OR to AND. You will be not unhappy. ;)


    [...] I came to the solution, when I finished my macro.

    "VARIABLE SET STRING" >> 2013 and 2014 are normally NOT string variable rather integer.


    Macro Express can only make a correct comparison when the correct variable type is given. [...]


    Hey Terry,


    i want answer you. Yes, I have a problem to getting thru with Boolean logic. rberg giving the correct answer AND 2013/2014 aren't string variable. So i change my macro and everything went right.


    Here is the answer from Stan:





    Variable Set String %T[1]% to "2013"

    If Variable %T[1]% Does not Equal "2013"


    If Variable %T[1]% Does not Equal "2014"

    MessageBox: Info


    The way this is written only one of the two If Variables needs to be true in order for the first message box to display. Since T1 does not equal 2014, the first message appears.

    I would suggest rewriting the macro to something similar to what is shown below. Also make sure to swap the message boxes.

    Variable Set String %T[1]% to "2013"

    If Variable %T[1]% Equals "2013"


    If Variable %T[1]% Equals "2014"

    MessageBox: Info (Date is correct. Have a nice day.)


    MessageBox: Info (Date is NOT 2013 or 2014)

    End If

    The above should work the way you want. Please let me know if you have any questions.


    Stan Jones

    Insight Software Solutions, Inc.




    Thanks to all the people who helped me !

  11. Stan Jones from Macro Express Team answered me. It only works correct when i change "Does not Equal" to "Equal". Looks like it is a bug.



    I came to the solution, when I finished my macro.

    "VARIABLE SET STRING" >> 2013 and 2014 are normally NOT string variable rather integer.


    Macro Express can only make a correct comparison when the correct variable type is given.



  12. Hello guys. I wrote a loop with OR but the condition is not true. Why ?


    Variable Set String %T[1]% to "2013"
    If Variable %T[1]% Does not Equal "2013"
    If Variable %T[1]% Does not Equal "2014"
    MessageBox: Info
    MessageBox: Info
    End If

    Source code:

    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%T[1]%" Value="2013" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%T[1]%" Condition="\x01" Value="2013" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>
    <IF VARIABLE Variable="%T[1]%" Condition="\x01" Value="2014" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>
    <MESSAGEBOX Caption="Info" Message="Date is NOT 2013 or 2014" Icon="0"/>
    <MESSAGEBOX Caption="Info" Message="Date is correct. Have a nice day." Icon="0"/>
    <END IF/>

    My hairs getting grey.



  13. If the text is selectable use hold left mouse down, select the text with mouse move, release the left mouse key and save the content into clipboard.




    Mouse Move: 309, 356 Relative to Screen
    Delay: 500 milliseconds
    Mouse Left Button Down
    Delay: 500 milliseconds
    Mouse Move: 340, 356 Relative to Screen
    Delay: 500 milliseconds
    Mouse Left Button Up
    Delay: 500 milliseconds
    Clipboard Copy
    Delay: 500 milliseconds
    Variable Set String %content_clipboard% from the clipboard contents


    <MOUSE MOVE Option="\x01" X="309" Y="356" _PROMPT="0x000A"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x02" Time="500"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x02" Time="500"/>
    <MOUSE MOVE Option="\x01" X="340" Y="356" _PROMPT="0x000A"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x02" Time="500"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x02" Time="500"/>
    <DELAY Flags="\x02" Time="500"/>
    <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x02" Destination="%content_clipboard%" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/>

    Another read out technique is to work with (external) scripts, eg javascript.



  14. Before you start selecting the text, ad command "Get Mouse Position" (Mouse) to save x-axis and y-axis into integer variable.


    You can also use this code:

    <MOUSE MOVE Option="\x01" X="611" Y="316" _PROMPT="0x000A"/>
    <WAIT FOR LEFT MOUSE CLICK Indefinite="FALSE" Hours="0" Minutes="0" Seconds="10"/>
    <GET MOUSE POSITION Option="\x00" X="%x_axis%" Y="%y_axis%"/>

    How do you select the text? Double click, Ctr.+A or hold the mouse key down ?



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