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Mouse move on second monitor

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My primary monitor is on the left. Using "mouse move", if I select a mouse position relative to active window, when the active window is on the secondary monitor (on the right), the mouse goes instead to somewhere near the top of the monitor screen. If I have the active window on the primary monitor (on the left) the mouse cursor goes where I want it. Is there a way of making "mouse move" work properly on the secondary monitor?

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That's odd. Maybe it has do do with the way your monitors are arranged in the display setup.

I recommend you make an absolute move on the other monitor first instead of making the relative slide from the other monitor. 

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You could try to add a little logic to your script. Not sure whether the macro will need to capture the total number of monitors connected to your computer, the number of the active monitor, or both values. Time for some trial-and-error experimentation!



Variable Set Integer %MonitorActive%: Set to Active Monitor
Variable Set Integer %MonitorCount%: Set to Number of Monitors
Text Box Display: Number of monitors = %MonitorCount% Active monitor = %MonitorActive% 
Switch( %MonitorCount% )
Case: 1
// Do something if this is Monitor 1
End Case
Case: 2
// Do something else if this is Monitor 2
End Case
Default Case
// And do something else if this is not Monitor 1 or 2!
End Case
End Switch


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Thanks for this. I have set the script to show which monitor is active - it seems to be 0 or 1 so I assume that the primary monitor is monitor 0. Also, the mouse is working properly on the second monitor today. Rebooting the computer must have been the reason because I have not changed anything.

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