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Macro To Show Quicklaunch Menu In Winxp?


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From Microsoft Help:

To add a program to the Quick Launch bar

In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the icon for the program you want to add, and then drag it to the Quick Launch portion of the taskbar located next to the Start button.

The icon for that program appears next to the other Quick Launch icons on the taskbar

This will only launch Macro Express if you create a shortcut. The instructions to do this can be found in the help file, or the reply to one of your earlier posts: http://pgmacros.com/community/index.php?ac...E=02&f=2&t=4493.

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He wants a macro to SHOW the Quicklalunch menu, the part that is expose by clicking on the bar with the two little black arrows when you have more icons in the QuickLaunch area than you have room to display.


He doesn't want to have to click on the bar to see the menu. Probably wants to display the menu with a hotkeyand then cursor to a selection.




You could have a macro that does a mouseclick on the bar.

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is there a macro that can return the mouse BACK to the position it was when the hotkey was performed?
Save current window title

Save current X and Y mouse coordinates

Move to position and click whatever

Activate saved window

Move mouse to saved coordinates

moving it back to where it SHOULD be relative to how much the mouse has moved from the hotkeyed position?
This is the same question. Look, have tried any of these things before asking? It seems not because these are very basic commands listed in some very obvious default categories.
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