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Remembering Shortkeys


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I have grown old enough to be able to remember all the shortkeys I created for the macros. Is there a way to facilitate the retrieval of these shortkeys. Here's some ideas. Please provide your comments in terms if they can be done now by ME or be considered as a future feature.

- I used ME to export macro info. I then created a macro to prompt the user for a string, it then parses the file and showes the results in box for all matches. This worked fine, but it is a hassle to manually export the macro info and clean the file. I'm tired of it.

- Is there a way to do the above without having to export the info file. To for this matter, is there any other way to do this. It has to be keyboard based.


Thank you

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I have grown old enough to be able to remember all the shortkeys I created for the macros. Is there a way to facilitate the retrieval of these shortkeys. Here's some ideas. Please provide your comments in terms if they can be done now by ME or be considered as a future feature.

- I used ME to export macro info. I then created a macro to prompt the user for a string, it then parses the file and showes the results in box for all matches. This worked fine, but it is a hassle to manually export the macro info and clean the file. I'm tired of it.

- Is there a way to do the above without having to export the info file. To for this matter, is there any other way to do this. It has to be keyboard based.


Thank you

I use MS Paint applet to create a little billboard with my half dozen or so shortcuts added as text and put that on the desktop as a bitmap. This may not be useful to you, but it's what I use. Changing the billboard is easy to do.


My example is attached.


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  • 5 months later...

Maybe a nice way to solve this problem (remembering all the hotkeys) would be to have shortcuts via the Me icon in the system tray. If we add a section with similar functionality as the "tools" or "help" sections (accessible by right clicking on the icon) we could quickly and easily move our mouse over a “macros” section which would display the macros within the mex file loaded, and then simply left click to run. With such a simply way to launch your macro you’d only need hotkeys for critical functions.


Another solution would be to simply allow the user to create desktop icons which would run a macro when clicked on. I do like the first one better though, since I’m typically not viewing my desktop when I start a macro (I would hate to have to minimize my windows every time, we are trying to be efficient here right).


:) Gabriel

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shortcuts via the Me icon in the system tray
You can create a popup menu and put it in the system tray. Then when you right click on it you have a choice of any macro you put in the popup menu. I prefer the "Windows' Default" style of popup menu.
Another solution would be to simply allow the user to create desktop icons which would run a macro when clicked on.

You can do this already with Macro Express. With the Macro Explorer displayed, highlight a macro and click 'Macros' and 'Place on Desktop'.

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