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Shortkey In Internet Explorer?


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I've tried searching the forum for this, but no luck.


Is there a way to activate a macro with ShortKeys?


I've tried

-clicking on the page (but not on a link or text box) and typing the shortkey

-typing the shortkey in the address bar


The macro is application specific to IE. My IE version is 6.0.29 SP2



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A shortkey will only work in a field where you can type. Clicking on a web page outside of a field and typing a shortkey will not work. However, you should be able to click in a field or within the address bar and type a shortkey.


There are several shortkeys options. The main options are 'Use Prefix Keys' and 'Use Suffix Keys'. I happen to like 'Use Prefix Keys' with Prefix keys of //. So, when I activate a shortkey I type something like //abc.


I suggest that you review the shortkey settings found in Options, Preferences, Shortkeys, and try using shortkeys in something like notepad. Once you have that working then try it in your web browser.

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