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Key Type And Macro Key Type?


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Is it possible for a program to tell the difference between manually pressing a key, and macro express key type?

In a game I play, you press d to bring up a command option, and d again to execute what i want, however the 2nd d is not recognized by the game even though the 1st is, and both are a key type from macro express.

Is there any way to make it so the game can not destinguish between the two?


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I do not think there is any difference. What may be happening, however, is that the game cannot keep pace with how fast Macro Express can send keystrokes. How does the game process the first d? Does it launch a window? Does it prepare a list for you to choose from? Eiher way, the second d is probably being sent out to bit land. If the game is launching a window, then use the Wait for Window Title command between d's like this:

Text Type: d
Wait For Window Title: "<name of window>"
Text Type: d

If it is generating a list, or something else that requires some time, then use a delay like this:

Text Type: d
Delay 500 Milliseconds
Text Type: d

Also, if you are using a lot of keystrokes in your macro, I would place a speed limit on your keystrokes at the beginning of your macro like this:

Keystroke Speed: 10 Milliseconds

This example will set a 10 millisecond delay between each character sent to the keyboard buffer and will remain in effect until either the macro finishes, or you set a different delay time.

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it is 2 keys, the macro is:


Key type: d

Delay 1 second

Key type: d


Thats all, and all the first d has to do is bring up a message in a little line at the bottom, which literally takes less then half a second. Ive even tried it with a 5 second delay, all it does it close the message box without recognizing that it was a d that was pressed, as if it had pressed another key instead.

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