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Tell Macro Express To Click On A Word You Wish


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another newbie question of me... =P


can you tell macro express


"if you see the word 'blabla' then click on it?"


means if macro express do a macro and i want him in the macro to search the word 'blabla' and click on it, or number of words that i choose.....


can i do such a thing?

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Macro Express will not mouse move directly to text. If you are wanting to cilck on some specific text...then I would think that the text box that the text is contained in may have a control to it that you can capture... and you can move the mouse to that control. If the text is a specific color (different than other text), you can use the get pixel in a loop to find and click. Otherwise, if the text always appears in the same place, you can get the position and always have the mouse to move there.

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i have a question in a web site something like:












lets say the right answer is "yes".


now each time you get into the website "yes" change his place, and i just wanna


capture him at the website, thats what i mean...

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I actually do something like that in a macro to post the same information to many different forums, blogs, etc. Each system has different ways, and sometimes the information changes around or I can't get an exact url and must automate some web-navigation. Because the text I am looking for is also an "a href", I can search for the text, escape out of the "find" field, and then automate an [enter] to emulate a click.

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