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Macros For Disabled Kids


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HI all


I'm new to macro programs but looks like I've found the best. I've worked with disabled students for many years and can see the value of automation for those students who are very slow with performing varioius computer functions and also for those who are unable to do some essential things.


I've learned a lot about how MacroExpress works, but a couple of things I just cannot figure out.... maybe someone can help?



1. Saving a document as .... 'Save As' into a specific folder....

In some of the schools in which I work, students save their files deep within folder structures on network drives on the schools network. In some cases, they click on 'Save As' then have to navigate through about 6 - 8 different levels of folders to get to the folder where they want to save the document. In many cases, it's only a handful of differerent folders in which their documents are saved. I just cannot figure out how to have the macro navigate to the folder from the 'Save As' dialog box. I can easily get explorer to open to a specific folder, but the Save As is confusing me.



2. How can Macro Express open a specific 'file', for example a Word document. I can launch a program, but not have a specific file open in the program.


Thanks for any help.


Bridgette Nicholson

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The easiest way to get Macro Express to do specific tasks is to think about how you would do it manually. What would you type to accomplish that task?


1. Saving a document as .... 'Save As' into a specific folder....
In this case you would type Alt-f, a to bring up the Save As dialog. The next step depends on how the application works. In Word, when the Save As dialog is displayed, the cursor is in the 'File name:' field. When you are in this field you can type the entire pathname of the file: 'e:\temp\Another Level\temp\SaveMyDocument.doc'. Now that you know what to type, you just need to add the macro commands to type them.


This works as long as the specified folder exists. Since you know the folder where you want to save the file, you can create it if it does not exists.


This macro does a 'Save As' in MS Word. It creates the destination folder if it doesn't already exist:

// If the folder does not exist, create it
If Not Folder Exists "e:\temp\Another Level\temp"
 Create Folder: "e:\temp\Another Level\temp"
End If

// Make sure MS Word has focus
Activate Window: "Microsoft Word"
Wait For Window Title: "Microsoft Word"
Delay 1 Seconds

// Bring up the Save As dialog
Text Type: <ALT>fa

// Wait for the Save As dialog
Wait For Window Title: "Save As"
Delay 1 Seconds

// Save the document
Text Type: e:\temp\Another Level\temp\SaveMyDocument.doc
Delay 0.25 Seconds
Text Type: <ALT>s

You may need to adjust things for a different application. Also note that I have included Wait for Window and Delay commands to make sure that this works reliably. Depending on your computer, you may be able to reduce the delays or leave out the wait commands.


2. How can Macro Express open a specific 'file', for example a Word document.
There are two ways to do this. You can create a macro similar to the one above to type Alt-fo to load the Open dialog. Then type the filename you want to open in the 'File name:' field.


Another way to do this is to use the Launch and Activate Window command. For the file that was saved in the macro above put 'SaveMyDocument' in the 'Window Title:' field and put the path to the document, 'e:\temp\Another Level\temp\SaveMyDocument.doc', in the 'Program/Path Name:' field. Asking Widows to 'launch' a document starts the program used to create the document and load the document in it. This is just like double-clicking on the name of a file in Windows.

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