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Pause Macro, Enter A Date, Resume


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You can do this a few different ways:


Enter text using the "Text Type" command. Use the "Pause" command. This will create a pop-up box in the top-left corner of your screen that says "Macro Express is currently paused." and includes a Resume and an Abort button.


You can also use a complex pause, which allows you to change the text that displays while the macro is paused. i.e. "Enter date". The complex pause also allows you to specify where on the screen the pause box will be displayed.


Or, in place of the pause command, you can use a "Wait for Key Press" command, and specify which key you want to use to resume the macro. i.e. ESC, ENTER, etc. This will not display any pop-up box. The macro will just simply wait until the specified key is pressed before resuming.

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