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Internet Connection Loss While Running Macro


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Hi guys, new here but looking forward to learning a lot :)


My broadband connection is quite shaky, and many times I lose connection to the internet for 10-15 seconds (not too often, but it happens I'd say 4-5 times throughout the day). This loss of internet connection really messes up some of the macros I am running. My question/request is:


Is there any possible way to have the macro CONTINUOUSLY check for an internet connection, and if the connection suddenly goes offline, to PAUSE all macros until the connection is back online? I've attempted many combinations of code, but none seem to do what I need. Any help or suggestions would be extremely appreciated, thanks so much!



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Have you tried the macro commands that check to see if a website is up and running? You could add something like this just prior to the macro commands that require access to the Internet:

If Online
 Pause: Complex
End If

This does essentially the same thing but you can pick the website to check.

If Ping Successful: "http://www.somesite.htm"
 Pause: Complex
End If

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