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Do Me Commands Work With Firefox?


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I moved from IE6 to Firefox a couple of years ago, and wouldn't want to change back. In the dialog window for the ME command Wait for Web Page to Load I read this:

"Please note, this command will only work with lnternet Explorer 4.0 and above."


Does that mean this and similar web operation commands do not work with Firefox? It looks that way, because when I ran your example macro Launch Web_ And_Fill_Out Form, I got an error "The URL, "http://www.getzips.com/zip.htm", was not loaded within the specified time." Yet that page was loaded quickly, long before the message appeared.



Terry, West Sussex, UK

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The Wait for Web Page command only works with IE. There are other techniques to wait for a web page on Netscape, Firefox, Opera and other browsers. You can use the Web Site command followed by Wait For Window Title and Delay commands. For a more sophisticated approach, see the example macro umwaitwebpagen.htm that demonstrates one such technique using NetScape. It could be modified to use Firefox.


Attempts to use the Wait for Web Page command with a browser other than IE will cause symptoms you describe.


The request to change the Wait for Web Page command to support other browsers is already in our tracking system.


Attached is a sample macro (zipped) that detects the windows default browser. You could use this technique to create macros that work differently for different browsers.


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Thanks Kevin, understood. Don't expect I'm alone in hoping that Firefox support won't be too long coming.


BTW, I had a devil of a job getting that file you attached. It wouldn't download on the usual d-click, and using Save Link As wanted to save it as Index.php. Eventually I went ahead with the latter and changed its name back. But what's all that about please, a flaw in the forum or what?



Terry, West Sussex, UK

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As has been discussed in previous posts, Firefox has problems in the forum. Yes, you can download it as index dot something or other and rename it later. You can also just use IE.


Professional Grade Macros, the host of this forum, is aware of the issue.

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