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How Can I Run 2 Macros At Once?


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Well, I have a simple question. I am currently have a macro that runs indefinately and I would like to know how, and if I can run another macro at the same time.


Basically, my first macro goes like this:


Repeat Until %T1% = "1"
 Delay 1200 Seconds
 Sound Beep
 Delay 100 Milliseconds
 Sound Beep
 Delay 100 Milliseconds
 Sound Beep
 Delay 100 Milliseconds
 Sound Beep
Repeat End


It makes a sound to remind me to do something. Then I have a macro that does this:


Delay 50 Milliseconds
Text Type: <ALT><TAB>
Delay 100 Milliseconds
Text Type: <SPACE>
Delay 121 Milliseconds
Text Type: s
Delay 50 Milliseconds
Text Type: <ALT><TAB>


I want something to be constantly reminding me to do something and then I will be able to use the second one to that just that.


I need to have the beep one running constantly and it reminds me every 10minutes or so to do Macro#2.


(If it is a basic setting in Macro Express, that would be nice of you to point it out; as I looked for 5minutes and gave up. Along with looking at the help options.)


Any help? Thanks.

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