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Mouse / Keyboard Macro (advanced?)


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Greetings all. I figured I'd come here to see if anyone can help me automate my macro a bit more.


We have a new piece of software we're implementing that requires a UNIX user, an ACTIVE DIRECTORY user, as utilizing MICROSOFT MESSAGE QUEUING. We can script or automate the Unix and AD users, however, the MSMQ piece doesn't get created until we go into each record for the users in the application and hit "SAVE"


I want it to do the following

Locate a record on the screen

Click it - wait for the page to load

Locate a button on the screen and click it - wait for the page to load

Locate a button on the screen and click it - wait for the page to load

Locate the next record and repeat. When the screen reaches the last accessible record(due to window size) scroll down the window and repeat the process.


Problems I am encountering are that every time I reload the list after scrolling down are that I need to scroll down EACH and every time, and the "end" of the page doesn't go down all the way.




To this end, I created a macro that does the following, but need some help in perfecting it. Any ideas would be much appreciated.


Variable Set Integer %N1% to 339 (distance from program logo to first record in web app)
if Variable %N30% >= 30 (30 records are displayed at my resolution)
Variable set integer %N2% to 102 (distance after paging down to first record)
Text Type: <PAGE DOWN>
Move mouse to record
Delay (Wait for page to load)
Move mouse to "Save" button
Delay (wait for page to return)
Move mouse to "list" of records button
Delay (Wait for page to return)
Variable Modify integer: %N2% = %N2% +23 (distance to next record)
Repeat End
End If

Repeat Start (Repeat 30 times) [Place counter in variable N30]
Move mouse to record
Delay (Wait for page to load)
Move mouse to "Save" button
Delay (wait for page to return)
Move mouse to "list" of records button
Delay (Wait for page to return)
Variable Modify integer: %N1% = %N1% +23 (distance to next record)
Repeat End
Repeat End

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  • 2 weeks later...

Look into using Windows Controls instead. I can't tell exactly what you are doing based on the description but in cases like these you're better off this way. You can use them for timing, triggering and all kinds of things. There is a good example in the tutorials page on macros.com using the Windows calculator. I am willing to bet once you see how it works all your problems will go away.

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