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Enter E-mailadress From Outlook Express(oe)


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I am not pleased at all with this solution, as initially I tried to write a ME macro with which I could enter an E-Mail address at the cursor position when starting the macro.


First I tried to open a textbox telling the user he has to mark a searched & found address and continue with a RM(right mouseclick). If the address cannot be seen, when the OE addresswindow opens, you have to enter a few of the first 3-4 characters of the searched name before you can see & mark the searched name.


But, with the textbox the cursor to enter letters to find the searched name will not remain in the input field, even if I unmark "Keep focus" - no chance. (I am expecting focus + cursor to remain where they where before the textbox appears if I mark "keep focus", unfortunately the focus remains in the window open before textbox appears if I unmark "keep focus". But the cursor is gone after the textbox appears). So I deleted the textbox and added a wait command till RM(right mouse) is clicked:


Macro Playback Speed: Normal Speed

// Alt+F10  OE Emailadresse einfügen/Find&Enter Email +RM



Variable Set String %T99% from Clipboard

Launch and Activate: "wab.exe"

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Wait Right Mouse Click

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Text Type: <ESC>

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Text Type: <ALT><ENTER>

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Text Type: <TAB>

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Clipboard Copy

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Text Type: <ESC>

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Text Type: <ESC>

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Clipboard Paste

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Variable Modify String: Save %T99% to Clipboard

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Text Type: <HOME>


Every improvement is appreciated


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Hello Bernd!


A little more background may help. What is the purpose of this macro? Is it to get an email address of the user's choosing from the address book and place it into the clipboard? It certainly seems like it is more than that because I can see other keystrokes. But, I have no way of knowing what those other keystrokes are for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's as easy as I wrote: Search & Enter an E-Mail address at the actual position of my cursor (for example a greeting card requires the E-Mail address of the recipient and I don't remember it while I am on the website with greeting cards).


My macro loads Outlook Express, allows for searching a person and copies the E-Mail address wherever my cursor is at the moment, if I accept the found name with a RM=right mouseclick.


Standard command:

Whatever is in my clipboard when I start the macro will be stored to T99 and restored to the clipboard at the end of the macro.

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