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Batch Delete (lines In Files)


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I have 60.000 html files. I must delete first 5 lines and last 8 lines in each files and save them. I cant open them same time because of the number of the files. So I have to open, delete, save and close them one by one. My text(html) editor is a spesific program (textpad) and it supports "delete line" feature. its shortcut is ctr+E and "close file" shortcut is ctr+w. All files are in same directory and I can rename them consecutive with the other program.(so to rename with macroexpress is not important and I am not asking this). thanks for possible answers and sorry my english.

best regards.

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Hi, if it can't be done with ME alone, you could use UltraEdit (superb editor):



In UE you could have an internal macro (UE have it's own macroes) doing the deletion job + save, when a specific file is open. Then let MacroExpress handle the file open and close.


In ME use: Text File Begin Process, which takes an ascii file which could be created from the OS command prompt:

dir /b *.htm* >filelist.txt

This will collect the filenames into an ascii file. With dir /s /b you also get content from subdirs.


regards Lars

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If it is true that you need to delete the first 5 and last 8 lines of a file and these numbers are fixed and each line ends with a CR/LF and that you do not need to rename them (i.e. they are to be overwritten) ... then you can use Macro Express to easily perform this task. Here is a sample macro:

// T92 = Ascii CRLF
Variable Set %T92% to ASCII Char of 013
Variable Set %T1% to ASCII Char of 010
Replace "%T92%" with "%T92%%T1%" in %T92%

// Process each file in the folder. T1 holds the file name
Repeat with Folder
 // Count the number of lines in the current file. T2 holds the current line
 // N1 holds the total number of lines in the file
 Variable Set Integer %N1% to 0
 Text File Begin Process: "%T1%"
   Variable Modify Integer: Inc (%N1%)
 Text File End Process
 // Append to a string each line in the current file beginning
 // with 6 and ending with 9 lines from the end of the file
 // N2 holds the number of lines to keep in T3
 Variable Modify Integer: %N2% = %N1% - 13
 Variable Set String %T3% ""
 Text File Begin Process: "%T1%"
   Variable Modify String: Append "%T2%%T92%" to %T3%
 Text File End Process
 // Now save the string. Overwrite the file.
 Variable Modify String: Save %T3% to Text File
Repeat End
Macro Return

<REM2:T92 = Ascii CRLF><ASCIIC:92:1:013><ASCIIC:1:1:010><TMVAR2:21:92:00:000:000:%T92%%T92%%T1%><REM2:><REM2:Process each file in the folder. T1 holds the file name><REP3:07:000002:000001:0001:0:01:C:\Temp2><REM2:><REM2:Count the number of lines in the current file. T2 holds the current line><REM2:N1 holds the total number of lines in the file><IVAR2:01:01:0><BTFBEG:002:000001:000000:%T1%><NMVAR:08:01:0:0000001:0:0000000><BTFEND><REM2:><REM2:Append to a string each line in the current file beginning><REM2:with 6 and ending with 9 lines from the end of the file><REM2:N2 holds the number of lines to keep in T3><NMVAR:02:02:1:0000001:2:0000013><TVAR2:03:01:><REM2:><BTFBEG:002:000006:N00002:%T1%><TMVAR2:07:03:00:000:000:%T2%%T92%><BTFEND><REM2:><REM2:Now save the string. Overwrite the file.><TMVAR2:17:03:00:000:000:%T1%F><REM2:><ENDREP><MRETURN>

I've also attached this example. Of course you will need to change folders and do testing before actually running the macro.


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