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Wait For Key Press


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When I use these keys instead of continuing the macro the "Enter" key goes to the next line. Likewise the space bar adds a space. Is there something I am missing? I have been using the F2 key but the enter would work the best. I am using ME in the most simple way, similar to autotext in Word, but needing to wait for some text to be typed. Thanks for your help.

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I don't understand what you are saying. The first sentence could be taken a couple of different ways. Could you elaborate? Are you taking about keys used to activate a macro?

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Sorry about not being clearer in my question. I use the wait for Key press to enter some text and then continue the macro (expanding text). Maybe I am doing this wrong. The macro will enter text, stop while user enter a word (s), number and then use key press to continue. Does that clarify my problem any better? Thanks.

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Still not quite clear. You have a user with a macro actively running, right? THen the macro pauses with a Wait For Key Press" adn the user types some stuff in and hits the magic ket to continue... Right so far? And your WFKP is Enter or Space and when the user sinks thier sausage onto that key is issues the key press instead of continuing the macro? Is that right?


Assuming I got that right are you sure the macro is still running? IOW do you have a little black running man in the system tray? Beyond that I don't know what to tell you.


Did you read the notes in the help file? That might be relevant:


Note: Use caution when this command follows a Text Type command. For example, let's say that you use the command "Text Type: <TAB>" and the next command in the script is the Wait for Key Press command. Since the previous command is to play back the TAB key, do not select the TAB key as the key to wait for. Macro Express will see the TAB from the Text Type command, think it is finished waiting and continue with the macro. It will look like the Wait for Key Press did not wait. In this situation, either select a different key or insert a Delay command after the Text Type command. Or use the Wait for Text to Play Back command. This will ensure proper macro functionality.


Otherwise I have no idea what couldbe wrong. Maybe you could post your macro or a simple example that illustrates your error and post it here.

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