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Change Wallpaper?


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I don't understand how to use the Wallpaper command to create a macro to rotate wallpapers. I only see that one can point it to one specific image and have that become the wallpaper. How do I cycle between images in a folder so each time I activate the macro a different wallpaper is set?


(BTW, I just got all set up in Vista and ME is running fine, no problems.)




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I can think of a couple of ways. One would be random and one would cycle. The random is probably easier.


To randomly select a file I would use the Repeat with Folder command and simply count the number of files are in there. One just increments an integer variable each time. Call it N1. Then I would use that number to create a random integer in the range of 1 to N1. Call it N2. Then I would do the repeat with folder again but this time have a conditional statement (If N3 = N2 then Break) which would leave T1 as the file name. Then change wallpaper to T1. Now just schedule this macro.


The second one is a little more difficult because the macro needs to remember where it left off. In this case I would save the iteration number in the registry. So if it’s currently at file number 3 I would do a Repeat with Folder like above and Break when the counter reaches 4 leaving T1 as the next file name. Then store 4 back to the registry. Also, of course, you would need to count the number of files each time so that when the maximum number of files have been reached the counter goes back to zero.


I’m sure there are other ways but this might give you some things to think about.

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I personally use the Winter Wallpaper Changer for Windows XP (should work with Vista too) that you can download for free from Microsoft:






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Thanks MGuy, I've use wallpaper changers in the past but when I noticed ME had a wallpaper command I figured I'd rather use it if possible, thus avoiding having yet another program running in the background. I ended up using a macro that someone else wrote and it works great. I assigned a hotkey to it and then set one of my Logitech G15 macro keys to that, so now I can change my wallpaper at a whim w/the press of a key using ME. Very nice.



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