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5 Button Mouse


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My first question after 15 months of using MacroExpress, very user friendly program!


I have a five button mouse (memorex wireless optical mouse) which uses "Browser Mouse" utility to define mouse buttons from a fixed set of definitions.


I would like to "reprogram" the side buttons (buttons four and five). Is this possible with MacroExpress?




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Welcome to the forum Scott!


Not sure what you mean. Are you wanting Macro Express to program the mouse buttons by using the Browser Mouse utility? If so, then chances are that it can be done. You would take the same steps using Macro Express as you would to run the software yourself. Or am I missing something?

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Thanks, but I figured out how to do this...


I have used the Memorex Wireless ScrollPro Optical Five Button Mouse for years. The center button and the buttons on either side of the mouse can be set to any one of 57 different functions. Some of the functions are simple key functions, such as "F10".


All I had to do was use "F10" as the activator of a MacroExpress script.


I should have thought of this before, so simple!






So now if I click the starboard side mouse button the active window will close, unless the active window is a mozilla "Firefox" browser window in which case it will close the active tab (or window if only one tab).

<IFOTH:11:2:Mozilla Firefox>





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