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Hello all. Is it possible to have a random value for a delay?

Yes. Try this:

Variable Set Integer %N1% with a Random Number
Delay %N1% Seconds

Is it possible to read some numbers from a website or from a file?
You may be able to read numbers from a website by highlighting the portion of the web page containing the numbers and copying the highlighted text into the clipboard.


To copy a number from a file try this:

Variable Set String %T1% from File: "test.txt"
Variable Modify String: Convert %T1% to integer %N1%

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Thank you for the answer.


What i really needed for the second part is read a number from a website or from a file and compare it to a value...some sort of: "if 50<100 then do this, if not do that or nothing" get it? Can i do this?


Edit: How can i select some text then copy it into the clipboard?

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Hello Mephisto!


if 50<100 then do this, if not do that or nothing" get it? Can i do this?
Yes. Take a look through the Logic category at the If Variable command.


How can i select some text then copy it into the clipboard?
Take a look through the Clipboard category. Remember that one way to use Macro Express to duplicate the keystrokes that you would take yourself. In this case you would normally highlight text that you want and then hit Ctrl+C. It is very much dependent on your application. These keystrokes can be emulated within Macro Express by using the Text Type command found in the Text category in addition to the Clipboard Copy command.
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