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How To Edit Text In A Macro Recording?


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When I load the macro generated by the recorder, I can only see things like mouse move and etc but no text that was typed such as filling out a form.


Is there any way to edit the text that was typed after a macro has been recorded?

For Example in filling out a form I type the name Tom Jones in the name field. Is there anyway to change that to Bill Clinton so that next time it plays the new name will be inserted..


Same for corrections, if you do a typo, you can see it back space and correct the error, is there anyway to go in and edit the backspace and enter the correct spelling so the macro does not have to edit itself...


Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the response Kevin, but obviously there is something that I don't understand yet..


When I load the macro generated by the recorder, I can only see things like mouse move and etc but no text that was typed such as filling out a form.


When I made the statement above, I meant that I had loaded the recorded macro into the Scipt Editor and see only commands and no text... This process actually filled out a form on the web and submitted it completely and I could see it typing the text for me and even backspacing and correcting my typos, but when I look into the recorded macro I see no script... here is an example of all I see:










This was copied and pasted from the script editor...


Course this is what it actually looks like in the script editor:


Delay 219 Milliseconds

Mouse Move Screen 865,287

Mouse Move Screen 868,288

Delay 30 Milliseconds


and on and on but no text at all in the entire thing...



What am i missing....

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If you look through the macro you will see Text Type commands. They have to be there. That is the only way Macro Express will send keystrokes to your application. It is probably difficult to spot them because of all the Delay and Mouse Move commands.

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Thanks Kevin,

You kept me staring at that code till I could finally see it..


I was staring at the code looking for something like this:

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:Hello Dolly!

Delay 123 millisec


When in fact when you do a recording, it enters the text like this. one character at a time. So the text is a whole lot less noticable...


Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:H

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:e

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:l

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:l

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:o

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:D

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:o

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:l

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:l

Delay 123 millisec

Text Type:y

Delay 123 millisec


Thanks again, you finally got me straight.


So as soon as I used the Find command - Find "Text Type" all the text started showing up like a big dog.

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