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Need To Compare Versions Of Macro Script


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I would like to be able to easily see the changes I have made to a Macro Express script.


Why I need this:

- Assists with debugging. With a comparison facility, I would be able to compare my current script with earlier versions to see changes.

- Other people would be easily able to see changes I have made to a script.


I suggest two possible ways that MacroExpress people show implement this facility:

1) Allow export of the Macro Express script in text form (I mean the readable scripting format not the Direct Script). Then I can use Beyond Compare to compare text files.

2) Provide a tool within Macro Express to compare versions of scripts

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I suggest two possible ways that MacroExpress people show implement this facility:

1) Allow export of the Macro Express script in text form (I mean the readable scripting format not the Direct Script). Then I can use Beyond Compare to compare text files.


You can already do this in ME - File / Export / Output Macro Information, then untick all options except Name and Text.


All your macros will be exported to your specified output text file. I've written a macro to automate this process for exactly the purpose you describe.

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