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I recently purchased macroexpress and am trying to figure out how to most efficiently enter contests, etc. using it. I feel silly because from the posts I've read most everyone is using it for professional purposes. Is there anyone who could help me become more knowledgeable about using it for sweepstakes? I have created a few macros, but am at a plateau and would appreciate any help. Thanks! -jm

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There isn't anything specialized or different in what you are trying to do. Said another way it doesn’t matter if you’re polling quarterly reports online or playing online poker. All the problems and techniques discussed here apply equally to most everything. And often people start playing games and learn tricks that will allow then to do real productive things as well. If anything games are a good learning ground.


My advice to newbs is that in the beginning recording keystrokes and mouse moves are fine but you will quickly run into problems as you try to get more sophisticated. For instance cyberchief was suggesting repeats which could be used in conjunction with your existing macros. But I’d like ot suggest you try writing your macros from scratch in the scripting editor. It seems daunting but it’s really easy to pick up. Go to Insights support page and there you will find all kinds of tutorials. Also there are some really good ones in the help file. And of course ME comes with a ‘samples’ file that is a must see. Also getting Joes book will help you a lot.


To get started look at the ‘Internet” command category in the scripting editor. See how in there you can open web pages and such. Then the text type commands. Hint: Use tabs to highlight hyperlinks or fields in your browser. And when you get to to a sticky spot just ask us here!

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