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Using macros written in older version of ME


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I work for a large corporation and as most of you know who also work for larger companies, the wheels of progress sometimes move very slow...or not at all. :rolleyes:


Believe it or not the "company" standard is ME 3.0. I know, don't laugh...I only work here. Anyway, in my department I design and implement all the ME macros for our department. Because of some of the programs we had due to security systems we use on all computers I had to have our department upgrade to aka 3.5e. This sent the person who controls ME for our company into seizures. They were not happy. When I asked what the big deal was they said they didn't want to re-write all of the macros.


Now, when my department switched to 3.5e I didn't have to re-write one macro, it just kept them from erring out...so here's my question?


Have any of you had a problem or situation when you upgraded that you had to re-write macros because the older version macro wouldn't work on the newer version. If so what specifically was the reason and how time consuming was it? I'm interested in knowing as much as possible about any problems any of you had if you'd be kind enough to share. I'm sure there are more who would like to know this information.


Thanks, John

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When Macro Express v 3.5 was released it contained some changes to the file commands that could potentially require some changes to macros that use these commands. If the file commands used in your macros use full paths then no rewrite is necessary. More details can be found in the knowledge base article titled Updated File Commands.


Changes in some versions of Macro Express have made certain commands faster. Some users reported having to adjust the timing of their macros. We have found that adjusting the Text Type Delay found in Options, Preferences, Delays will resolve most of the speed issues.

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I've upgraded many times and I have never had a problem. From my perspective ISS always adds features and fixes bugs and never required overhaul of the code. The only change I've ever had to do was to remove work-a-round code that I had inserted when something was broken in ME. Also if you look at some of the commands you will find some that look very similar like the two Time commands. In several cases this is apparent because one is deprecated but they left the old command in for reverse compatibility. I think that until a major version release you should do just fine to run what you had before. Like Kevin said you might need to adjust some timing but then again I don’t think I have ever had a large macro that didn’t require minor tweaks form time to time.

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We here at Professional Grade Macros have found the upgrades to be seamless. We change existing client macros to take advantage of features in new releases, but only if there is a real reason to do so, and only if the client is adding to, or changing something in, their macro.

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We here at Professional Grade Macros have found the upgrades to be seamless. We change existing client macros to take advantage of features in new releases, but only if there is a real reason to do so, and only if the client is adding to, or changing something in, their macro.



Agreed with Joe and Cory. We have been running ME for about 3 years. Over 500 working macros. We have installed the version updates as they come out on over 50 machines. Never had to modify any coding due to the upgrades.


Not to make any accusations... but sounds like your "expert" may be a little self-concious of his/her own abilities to manage the scripts?

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