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Clipboard Equals


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I bought a book called Macro Ex Explaned. I was hoping to find an example of how the Clipboard can work with the equal function. It had nothing to offer. Is there another book out there on Macro Express? AS good as Macro Express is you would think there would be more books to give you a good cross section on how it works.


I did find something on page 263 that might be some help.



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I did give it a try with no luck. It will react properly when not equal to "Screen". But when = it does not do a tab.



Text Type:<SHIFT><TAB>

Wait For Window Title:"Layer Style"

Clipboard Copy

If Clipboard Text Equals "Screen"

Text Type <TAB>



End if


I'm using the book to the best I can.



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Everything looks good with your ME commands. Is cursor's location in your application possibly being affected when you issue the Clipboard Copy command. I have seen this behaviour with a few applications.


I would suggest putting a break in on the

If Clipboard Text Equals "Screen"

line and so that you can see what happens in your application after the Clipboard Copy command is completed.

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Try running the macro using the debug command (F9), and show the variables values. Add some test lines to copy the clipboard contents to a variable, so they can be viewed in the debug window. I have found that sometimes there might be an extra leading or trailing space that gets copied to the clipboard. (Might need trim commands, etc)

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