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Weird behaviour using Shortkey


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Hi. Long time since I posted, although meanwhile I've been happily using MX 3.5 for many purposes.


Puzzling over this new macro all morning, and hope someone can explain what might be happening please. The macro works perfectly if I give it a Hotkey or a Mouse activation - but behaves in bizarre fashion if I give it a Shortkey (and I tried several). If it helps, I use the prefix ## for my shortkeys. So I specified this one as 'ov1' (meaning 'Overlay 100%') and to activate it I type '##ov1'. What happens is that instead of the macro entering the various keys I want, it acts as if I've simply hit the Delete key! As you see from the paste below, Delete doesn't even appear in the macro.


I have a lot of other macros activated by Shortkeys, and they work fine. However, none of those are for this particular application, Google Earth. So maybe the issue is related somehow to GE?


BTW, I've tried a wide range of dealys and keystroke speeds, but no difference to result.


If there are any GE users here who are curious or maybe want to try this macro, its operation is simple. With an Image Overlay entry selected, the macro opens its properties and moves its slider to the 100% position. I aim to write a couple more for 0% and 50% opacity respectively.


// Set opacity of selected overlay to 100%

Keystroke Speed: 10 Milliseconds

Text Type: <ALTD><ENTER><ALTU>

Delay 100 Milliseconds

Text Type: <TAB><TAB><TAB>

Text Type: <END>

Delay 100 Milliseconds

Text Type: <ENTER>

Macro Stop



<REM2:Set opacity of selected overlay to 100%><SPKEY:0010><TEXTTYPE:<ALTD><ENTER><ALTU>><MSD:100><TEXTTYPE:<TAB><TAB><TAB>><TEXTTYPE:<END>><MSD:100><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><MSTOP>


(If the above doesn't get displayed in the optimum fashion, could someone remind me of the correct way please.)



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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Hi Terry:


I use shortkeys extensively. Shortkeys work great MOST of the time. However, I have found that in a few applications they do as you describe. I have found this is a situation with the application and not macaro express. All of my shorkeys are for printing comments and in those particular applications when I do the ##ov1 to start the shortkey it won't allow ME to take the ##0v1 back out and then print correctly. I have never found a work around for this yet. My only answer has been in those applications where a shortkey wouldn't work, I had to resort to a hotkey when I want a macro to work in those applications. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone else who has been able to find a work around.



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Thanks John, appreciate the feedback. I too had to switch to activation by hotkey - but that's a poor second best in this case as there are several similar macros and shortkeys would be easier to remember.


Anyone from MX Support or Development have any thoughts on this please?



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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We have seen this kind of behavior in a few programs. Usually it is a program that uses some sort of an auto-correct or auto complete. We have found that when these functions are turned off, ShortKeys functions will run properly.


We have also found in some web applications, mostly gaming lobbies, that updating your java drivers will remedy the problem as well.

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