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1st character caps error??? only on csv import


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Im having a problem on a customers computer and im lost at where to start...


When I first installed these scripts on this guys computer all worked fine, then like a few weeks later this odd problem started happening it is xp and ie7


When macro express imports data from the clipboard and pastes it into the web into a form in ie7 it pastes exactly perfect


when the macro grabs the data from a .csv file and pastes it (about 10 variables) each one has the case changed the $ symbol for us dollars becomes 4 so its like someone is pressing the caps key for thes the first caracter of each variable, its odd...


The exact same script without modification works everywhere else but not on this guys computer, I even reinstalled the script again from scratch. verified the csv file looking at in in notepad... why is the first caracter of t1 t2 t3 variables changing... etc..





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Im having a problem on a customers computer and im lost at where to start...


When I first installed these scripts on this guys computer all worked fine, then like a few weeks later this odd problem started happening it is xp and ie7


When macro express imports data from the clipboard and pastes it into the web into a form in ie7 it pastes exactly perfect


when the macro grabs the data from a .csv file and pastes it (about 10 variables) each one has the case changed the $ symbol for us dollars becomes 4 so its like someone is pressing the caps key for thes the first caracter of each variable, its odd...


The exact same script without modification works everywhere else but not on this guys computer, I even reinstalled the script again from scratch. verified the csv file looking at in in notepad... why is the first caracter of t1 t2 t3 variables changing... etc..





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Sorry, about the double post but the forum software has changed a lot since my last reply post and I made a bit of a mess of things!! How do you delete a mistaken post?


Anyway, George.


I have experienced a similar problem in v3.7a.


When I import from a csv file into a databse using TYPE var it inexplicably changes the case of a random letter within one of the fields. This only appears to happen with data which is all UPPER case and it only seems to do it for one character in the field and it doesn't do it for every record (a handfull in every few thounsand).


I have also checked the integrity of the original data and it is definitely being changed. Given time, I will attempt to test to see if this is happening when reading from the file or when it is TYPEing it out.


Alan Monaghan

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That sounds very strange. I thought the guy might have his caps lock on but that doesn't effect the output on my system. Can you make a simple test macro with sample data from a CSV file that types into Notepad to show us? You might want to start a support incident with Insight.


BTW when filling forms I always use the clipboard option in the text type command. You might see if that fixes the guys wagon.

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  • 1 year later...

I came across this old thread while looking for something else.

I currently have a similar problem with the LASt character of each field being converted to lower case when typed with the TEXT TYPE command. It only affects alphas, not numeric characters, and only on one specific web-based form. So it may be a form problem or an IE problem rather than an ME3 problem. I got around it by appending one space character to the end of each variable before typing it.


FWIW Cory's suggestion, to use the clipboard option in the text type command, has been very unreliable for me. Clipboard options in general have been very unreliable -- they will work fine on one computer but not on another, or they work fine now but fail ten minutes from now. Next time Bill Gates drops by, I'll ask him to look into it.

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