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Repeat & Pause Beginner Help. Please!


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Hello everyone.


I am not to this forum, but it looks like you guys are very helpful. I tried looking at older posts for this answer, but I couldn't find it. This is my problem....


I want to run a macro that has a keystroke then a mouse click, then have that repeat itself 5 times. After the 5th time it does the marco, I want it to pause for 2 minutes, then repeat the macro 5 more times, then a 2 minute delay, etc etc. I want this to be done until the macro is repeated a total of 100 times.


Is this possible? If so please tell me how to go about doing it. Thanks for your time and attention.

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Hello everyone.


I am not to this forum, but it looks like you guys are very helpful. I tried looking at older posts for this answer, but I couldn't find it. This is my problem....


I want to run a macro that has a keystroke then a mouse click, then have that repeat itself 5 times. After the 5th time it does the marco, I want it to pause for 2 minutes, then repeat the macro 5 more times, then a 2 minute delay, etc etc. I want this to be done until the macro is repeated a total of 100 times.


Is this possible? If so please tell me how to go about doing it. Thanks for your time and attention.

I think you should try the capture feature and then look at the commands it says to do. Then dissect what it says and you should be able to make the changes and have it do what you want it to. Wish I could help more but I'm new as well. best of luck

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I captured the commands etc. I have repeated the marco 100s of times. But I want to put a delay between the repeats. A 1-2 minute delay between each 5 repeats. Not sure how to do this.

after you have tour keystrokes recorded 5 times, just go to the very bottom of your command list and insert a 120 second delay.

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after you have tour keystrokes recorded 5 times, just go to the very bottom of your command list and insert a 120 second delay.


The problem is the number 5 was an EXAMPLE. The thing is I have recorded a macro that I want to repeat 1000 times, then delay 5 minutes, then repeat 1000 times, then 5 minute eelay, etc etc. Up until the macro has been repeated a total of 20,000 times. This is EXACTLY what I want to do, so your method above won't work.

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The problem is the number 5 was an EXAMPLE. The thing is I have recorded a macro that I want to repeat 1000 times, then delay 5 minutes, then repeat 1000 times, then 5 minute eelay, etc etc. Up until the macro has been repeated a total of 20,000 times. This is EXACTLY what I want to do, so your method above won't work.

So you're looking to do a loop inside of a loop. I read something about doing that on the forum somewhere.

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Try something like this:

Variable Set Integer %N1% to 0
Variable Set Integer %N2% to 0
Repeat Until %N2% = 5
 Repeat Until %N1% = 5
   If Variable %N1% = 5
     Wait Time Delay 120 Seconds
     Variable Set Integer %N1% to 0
   End If
   Text Type: Enter your keystroke here<ENTER>
   Mouse Move Screen 0, 0
   Variable Modify Integer: %N1% = %N1% + 1
 Repeat End
 Variable Modify Integer: %N2% = %N2% + 1
Repeat End


You will need to tweak the macro to do exactly what you need it to do for the keystroke and mouse move, but the timing and repeats should work as is for you.

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Repeat Start (Repeat 1000 times)
 Macro Playback Speed: 1 Times Faster than Normal
 Mouse Move Screen 372, 346
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 356, 329
 Mouse Move Screen 330, 301
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 315, 284
 Mouse Move Screen 291, 258
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 269, 236
 Mouse Move Screen 253, 221
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 234, 206
 Mouse Move Screen 223, 198
 Delay 14 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 208, 187
 Mouse Move Screen 200, 181
 Delay 16 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 188, 174
 Mouse Move Screen 183, 171
 Delay 14 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 172, 166
 Mouse Move Screen 166, 163
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 157, 158
 Mouse Move Screen 152, 155
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 142, 149
 Mouse Move Screen 136, 146
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 126, 138
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 122, 136
 Mouse Move Screen 112, 129
 Mouse Move Screen 108, 125
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 97, 118
 Delay 14 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 92, 115
 Mouse Move Screen 78, 107
 Delay 16 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 72, 105
 Mouse Move Screen 62, 99
 Delay 14 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 59, 97
 Mouse Move Screen 55, 93
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 53, 92
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 52, 91
 Delay 47 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 52, 93
 Mouse Move Screen 52, 94
 Delay 14 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 52, 96
 Delay 141 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 52, 95
 Delay 14 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 50, 95
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 47, 95
 Mouse Move Screen 45, 95
 Mouse Move Screen 41, 95
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 40, 95
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 36, 95
 Mouse Move Screen 34, 94
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 30, 94
 Mouse Move Screen 27, 94
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 23, 93
 Mouse Move Screen 20, 93
 Delay 14 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 18, 93
 Delay 63 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 18, 94
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 19, 96
 Mouse Move Screen 19, 97
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 21, 100
 Mouse Move Screen 22, 102
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 24, 105
 Mouse Move Screen 25, 106
 Delay 14 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 26, 108
 Mouse Move Screen 27, 109
 Delay 16 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 28, 110
 Mouse Move Screen 29, 111
 Delay 108 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 29, 110
 Delay 16 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 28, 110
 Delay 14 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 27, 109
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 26, 109
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 26, 108
 Delay 15 Milliseconds
 Mouse Move Screen 25, 108
 Delay 218 Milliseconds
 Text Type: <F9>
 Delay 734 Milliseconds
 Mouse Left Button Down
 Mouse Left Button Up
Repeat End


This is the code for my current macro, and I have NO IDEA how to put jason's code into mine. Can someone PLEASE do it for me and paste it here? I would be willing to pay via paypal if needed. Thanks.

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Remove the Repeat Start and Repeat End commands from your macro and then save the macro.


In the attached macro, change the Macro Run command to launch your macro. This should accomplish what you need.


I honestly do not understand your instructions. I removed the start and end repeat, but the rest lost me. Sorry. Is it possible to be more clear?

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You will need to import the Embedded Macro into your macro file, this can be done by:

1- Downloading the macro to your hard drive.

2- Load Macro Express and click on File.

3- Select Import and then Import Macros from the drop down list.

4- Browse to the location where you saved the macro to your hard drive.

5- Highlight the macro and then click on the Open button to load the macro into the Import window.

6- Highlight the macro and then press the import button to load it into your current macro file.


From here you should be able to locate the macro in your macro list.

1- Double click on it to open it in the Scripting Editor.

2- Locate the Macro Run command and double click on it (it is on line 9).

3- Find your macro in the list of macros. If you use categories, you will need to select the category that your macro is stored in to find it.

4- Highlight your macro and press the OK button.


You will also need to select an activation for the macro by clicking on the Properties Tab above the list of commands on the left as the default activation is set to None.

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