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How to stop Macro when page errors?


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I am trying to create a macro to copy, paste, import, and move to the next record in our database. There are well over 50k records and it will take a bit of time. Macro Express is a savior. However, there a few records that it will not work with. Is there a way to have macro express pause when there is an error that pops up? Basically, I want it to pause, then i would manually skip that record, and then hopefully click another button to relauch the Macro Express macro. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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Can you give some more information. I have excel reports that have data at your limits and have no problems. Are you copying data from excel, manipulating it and trying to put it back? If you can give some specifics and exacatly what your errors are...other programs you are pasting to copying from, etc. Maybe myself or others can give you better help. Be as specific as possible.



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Can you give some more information. I have excel reports that have data at your limits and have no problems. Are you copying data from excel, manipulating it and trying to put it back? If you can give some specifics and exacatly what your errors are...other programs you are pasting to copying from, etc. Maybe myself or others can give you better help. Be as specific as possible.




Hi John,


Thanks for your response. I am creating a macro to import pictures into Filemaker. Filemaker has nearly 50k records. A script was created and set as a button to import the picture. So, the macro basically clicks that button, it browses the directory where the pictures are located and copy the destination and clicks ok, then it moves to the next record and loops again. However, some records, there are no pictures, so an error screen will pop up when that is the case. I would like it to pause so I can cancel out of that error screen and move onto the next record. Hopefully, I'm explaining this clearly. Thanks for any help you or others could provide.

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Here's what I have done in the past. I have one browser based application that once in a while pops up a security warning...what you have to do then is click ok and it goes away and the macro goes on its merry way. This pop-up comes up after I have the macro text type a NumEnter or click. It's the same warning all the time at this point. What I did was put in a couple second delay and then an If Window Title "Enter Network Password" is on top do the NumEnter. If that window doesn't show up it goes on as if it wasn't there.


Now, if you have pop-ups with other headings at this point you could still use the If Window command and an OR and then another If Window command with the second possibility...or more.


Where I use NumEnter to just clear the pop-up you could insert a Stop Macro, or a Pause...or even a break if you wanted to put everything within a repeat and have it go and start on the next record.


Hope this helps or gives you some ideas.




<DELAY:1.25><IFOTH:03:2:Enter Network Password><TEXTTYPE:<NUMENTER>><ENDIF><MSD:150>

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