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does window title option work properly


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hi i have written a loop where it has to check for a particular window is opened or not and then continue with theloop else check for another window and then continue with that loop.


it goes some thing lik this


if window title " process chargeback" is running


execute the loop




if window title " retrieval request" is running


execute the loop









This logic is not at all working and it never enter the loop (i think because it is not recognizing the window title)


Also each window opens when the user selects a combo box and only one window opens at a time.


Can someone help me out on this as i have a deadline by monday. i have completed the whole project and it is stuck here.

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It's possible that the windows are child windows and are not recognized by Macro Express. You can try inserting a Variable Set String command - Set Value to Topmost Window Title. Then insert a Text Box Display command to display the contents of the variable. See which window title is being displayed.


If a parent window title is displayed, then I would suggest using the Window Controls. Then use the If Control command for your logic statement.

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It's possible that the windows are child windows and are not recognized by Macro Express. You can try inserting a Variable Set String command - Set Value to Topmost Window Title. Then insert a Text Box Display command to display the contents of the variable. See which window title is being displayed.


If a parent window title is displayed, then I would suggest using the Window Controls. Then use the If Control command for your logic statement.



Hi stan,


i tried the one u suggested. The problem is that the naming on the (there is only one window) window changes for every option i choose. so "if widow title is running" option is not working (for whatever reasons) hence i divided my program and for every window i have a condition set (loop kind of) i defined multiple macros. now each of this macro gets activated once the title window with tht opiton is selected. i have given activation from window title for each of the respective macros. It is working fine. but need to pilot test it (today i will be doing) to see if any errors occur.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi stan,


i tried the one u suggested. The problem is that the naming on the (there is only one window) window changes for every option i choose. so "if widow title is running" option is not working (for whatever reasons) hence i divided my program and for every window i have a condition set (loop kind of) i defined multiple macros. now each of this macro gets activated once the title window with tht opiton is selected. i have given activation from window title for each of the respective macros. It is working fine. but need to pilot test it (today i will be doing) to see if any errors occur.


I would try a Switch/Case for this...


First capture the window title with the "Variable Set String from Topmost Window Title", then open a Switch for that variable and create cases for each different window title it could be. Something like this:


<TVAR2:01:06:><SWITCH:T1><CASE:Process Chargeback><ENDCASE><CASE:Retrieval Request><ENDCASE><DEFCASE><ENDCASE><ENDSWITCH>

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