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Click on Control Question


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This question is along the same lines as the one posted below, but has a different twist to it.


I want an "OK" button to cause the macro to record all control fields values before it disappears and I have run out of options.


Here is my macro. This macro works well if the "window title" (in the activation TAB)is set to "schedule activity" (matching the window title), but doesn't work when "control" is used to fire the macro.



dow.8.app.0.2004eee3WindowsForms10.COMBOBOX.app.0.2004eee1Edit><VARGETCONT:5:5><GETCONTROL2:06:ACTSAGE.EXE:WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2004eeeSchedule Activity004:4WindowsForms10.SysTabControl32.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.Win

dow.8.app.0.2004eee21WindowsForms10.COMBOBOX.app.0.2004eee1Edit><VARGETCONT:6:6><GETCONTROL2:07:ACTSAGE.EXE:WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2004eeeSchedule Activity007:4WindowsForms10.SysTabControl32.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.Win



ow.8.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.2004eee><VARGETCONT:7:7><GETCONTROL2:08:ACTSAGE.EXE:WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2004eeeSchedule Activity007:4WindowsForms10.SysTabControl32.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.Win



ow.8.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.2004eee><VARGETCONT:8:8><GETCONTROL2:09:ACTSAGE.EXE:WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2004eeeSchedule Activity003:4WindowsForms10.SysTabControl32.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.Win

dow.8.app.0.2004eee10WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.2004eee><VARGETCONT:9:9><GETCONTROL2:10:ACTSAGE.EXE:WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2004eeeSchedule Activity007:4WindowsForms10.SysTabControl32.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.Win



ow.8.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.2004eee><VARGETCONT:10:10><GETCONTROL2:11:ACTSAGE.EXE:WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2004eeeSchedule Activity003:4WindowsForms10.SysTabControl32.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.Win

dow.8.app.0.2004eee9WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.2004eee><VARGETCONT:11:11><GETCONTROL2:12:ACTSAGE.EXE:WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2004eeeSchedule Activity003:4WindowsForms10.SysTabControl32.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.Win

dow.8.app.0.2004eee58WindowsForms10.COMBOBOX.app.0.2004eee><VARGETCONT:12:12><GETCONTROL2:13:ACTSAGE.EXE:WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2004eeeSchedule Activity004:4WindowsForms10.SysTabControl32.app.0.2004eee1WindowsForms10.Win



I know a lot of people don't use ACT! here. Maybe some do, but the principal is the same. Why are the fields not being captured after the "OK" button is pressed? I need to fill in all necessary info FIRST before I put it all into text (T1, T2 etc.). That's why activating using "window title" won't work.


Included is an attachment.


Any ideas would help.


Thanks in adavnce,



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no takers?


All I need to know is why I cannot simultaneouly capture the data in these "fields" at the same time I am hitting the "OK" button(which I am using as the "trigger" control). As an aside, if I use "windows title" it captures everything in those fields within the form.


Because the form disappears quickly, is this the reason why it's not catching anything?


Has anyone ever done this?



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I don't get it. This should be a simple answer.


Can Macro Express capture the data in those fields before the OK button is pressed? The OK button is the "Capture Control" and if clicked, captures all other controls in the fields and convert them into text. It's very easy to do this when "window title" is used to trigger the macro, but not so easy when the "OK" button triggers the macro because it "appears" that it cannot capture the field data the moment before the form disappears.


I thought Macro Express was super fast?


AM I Correct?



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OK, then let me explain in 3rd grade words to you and draw pictures. Since underlining is an effective way of "yelling at someone", I will underline to demonstrate to you what already should be known by the owners of this software. I will use the exact same words as my last two posts only I will explain in a 3rd grade level. Have I done a good job explaining myself so far or should I yell at you by underlining my words? It took only 4 frickin times for anyone like you to answer. Maybe you should send an e-mail to yourself and yell at yourself for being so lazy and taking this long to answer or ask a question. You even had the audactiy to post your own post instead of being polite from the beginning. You'll never make it as a teacher.


Forum monitors: I apologize in advance but this never should have gotten to this point.


Here goes:


From the beginning, starting with my words two posts ago(posted May 12th 1:12 PM). Please cross reference.


All I need to know is why I cannot simultaneouly capture the data in these "fields" at the same time I am hitting the "OK" button(which I am using as the "trigger" control). As an aside, if I use "windows title" it captures everything in those fields within the form.


Broken down for you:


A) Please Open the attachment included in this forum thread and look at the form right in front of your eyes called "Schedule Activity". Further clarification: it has a red Window Title that says "Schedule Activity" and it is in front of the main ACT! program. Warning: You don't need ACT! to answer this question.


B) Get Control is a feature in your program under "Windows Controls" that I can use a "bulleye" to capture field data. Yeah, been there done that. Are you with me so far?


C) There are about 12 fields in the "Schedule Activity" form(see attachment and count the fields) that I can drag my bullseye to. I can capture the field data dragging the "GET CONTROL" control.


D) The "OK" button(see attachment, please see the "OK" button) Do you see it? It's there trust me.


E) In your Macro Express program, look at your tab called "Properties". Click on it. There are two features there called "windows title" and Control". I am assuming that those "trigger something else to happen.


Here is the hardest part:


Let's look at my first sentence together again (like we were in Romper Room) and piece together things that I assumed you(the employee/owner) whoever the heck you are would have known. OR should I be assuming space aliens took over Insight Software and now for the first time a person by the name of Geoff is monitoring these boards?


Here we go:


u]All I need to know is why I cannot simultaneouly capture the data in these "fields" at the same time I am hitting the "OK" button(which I am using as the "trigger" control). As an aside, if I use "windows title" it captures everything in those fields within the form. [/u]


Based on A - E above, it is crystal clear my first sentence. If not, reading post 3 and 4 would help put together my question.


Windows title is in the properties tab. If "clicked' and I put the word "schedule activity" in that properties tab, then when "Schedule Activity" pops up, then I would be able to "Get Control" all the other fields and capture them C1, C2, C3, C4 etc and then convert them to text. <SEE MY MACRO I SUBMITTED> PS. You don't need ACT! to figure out what I'm talking about. third graders need not apply. There are 12 text fields in that form called "Schedule Activity"


this works like a charm. it captures all the text when the form opens and put them in C1 converts to T1, puts them in C2 converts to T2 etc all the way to C12/T12.


Now, when I change the properties tab to "control" and Unclick the "window title", and use "Get Control" to drag the bullseye to the "OK" button, then it doesn't work. the trigger is now a button and NOT a WINDOW TITLE. Capishe?


ALL I WAS TRYING TO SAY IS: USING WINDOWS TITLE IN THE PROPERTIES TAB captures all the other fields(that are captured by other controls- c1, c2, c3 ... c12)but it doesn't work with the "control"option in Properties tab. If I use the OK button(as the initiator trigger in the Properties tab), it won't capture those control fields(c1 to c12) before the form disappears.


I guess in psychology class, one has to do things three times to get through.


Here is is again(for your edification):


u]All I need to know is why I cannot simultaneouly capture the data in these "fields" at the same time I am hitting the "OK" button(which I am using as the "trigger" control). As an aside, if I use "windows title" it captures everything in those fields within the form. [/u]


In the next installment of our show, I will explain the next sentence:


Because the form disappears quickly, is this the reason why it's not catching anything?


Better yet, for increased edification I will also explain the last sentence in that post:


Has anyone ever done this?


The explanation of that last sentence should leave our viewers dazzled after an explantion is done on that one.


Until then, as Walter Kronkite used to say "and that's the way it is"


So long folks.




PS. Re-reading sentence 2 and 3 of my very first post, I am sort of stunned. What can I say? You just completely contradicted the notion of keeping it short and sweet with this post. Am I clear enough for you now?


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Geoff's text was underlined because it is a link to another post, which gives suggestions on the best way to post. Yelling is shown by capitalizing the entire post.


The reason that it will not capture the data when you press the OK button is because the form is closed before Macro Express has a chance to capture the data.

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Patgenn123 posted a long and complex question to which he received no response.


Growing increasingly frantic, he then wrote "I don't get it. This should be a simple answer.", to which he received a link recommending a different way of asking his question. He went on to misconstrue this response as mere rude shouting, and posted what I consider to be a very rude and patronizing text. It was pointed out that he had in fact received some advice in an URL, and that no-one was shouting at anyone.


And did Patgenn123 ever apologize for misunderstanding this post, or for demanding a response from forum participants even when, AFAIK, no-one gets paid for forum participation? Did he hell! I'm surprised he hasn't been more formally warned about his behaviour by the moderator!


I'd be very cautious before I ever posted responses to future pleas for help by Patgenn123!

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OK. I apologize, but if you look, this has never happened before. So what I'll do is ask to have the response erased as long as his response is erased also. he made it sound like my english was like sanskrit. It was a "valley girl" response by him.


His answer was objectionable and rude also. Where's his apology?


he could have said something like this(if he wants to be politically correct): Hey Pat. Can you rephrase your problem so I could understand what you mean? OR I was wondering if you can summarize your issue so I could help you. Goodness that sounds better doesn't it? Compare that with what/how he said and there's the difference.




I apologize Geoff and request to have my response stricken. Would you like to erase yours also?




Oh, and Paul. Your answer was way over the top also. Please. Compare the way I would have responded/rephrased my reponse and the way he did and you see how a moderator should have responded in the first place. His was not professional and certainly not proper. It really was a simple question. I know. In sports, it's always the person who retaliates that gets into trouble, but never the initiator.

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Patgenn, You asked twice why no one would answer your question. I responded suggesting that people don't respond when they don't understand the question and if it is difficult to read. If you don't like the suggestions, then do what I do with your long posts. Ignore them.


The only 'over the top' responses have been yours.

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