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Question Regarding Floating Menus


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I have a "main" floating menu (menu a) which has three items - each one activating another floating menu (a1, a2 and a3.)

All items of these menus activate also other floating menus. (eg: Menu a1 has 7 items which activate menus a11-a17. Menu a2 has 9 items which activate menus a21 - a29 etc.

I want to be able to nevigate to and fro between these menus. Namely say I go from menu a to menu a2, and from there to menu a25. I want to be able to return to a2 and choose something else.


How can this be done?




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I haven't worked all that much with floating menus, but maybe you can add a "Back to a2" macro at the bottom of your "a25" list (And at the bottom of all the "a2x" lists of course). And then do the same for the "a1x" and the "a3x" lists. Then you can also put a "Back to a" macro on each of your a1, a2, and a3 lists. I've never tried it, but it sounds like it should work.

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