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Tip: How to find which category has macro


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Sometimes when the subject matter for a macro makes it applicable to more than one of my categories, I have trouble remembering which category I put it in.


I can always locate the macro by setting the category pane to "All Categories" and searching through the list of every macro I have, but once I have found the macro in this way, how can I determine what category the macro is in?


This always gave me a problem, because I thought the category is not listed in the macro's properties.


Here's the solution: It turns out the category IS and IS NOT in the properties, depending on how you check the properties.


Right click on the macro nickname and select Macro Properties. On the "General" tab, it will show the assigned category.


If you have the macro opened in the scripting editor and select the "Properties" tab (or any other tab), you will NOT see the category.

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I figured out the answer to my question before posting, so instead of posting the question, I posted the answer as a Tip in case anybody else runs into the same problem.


The question would have been "how do I determine the category assigned to a macro when the category pane is displaying "All Categories"? The answer is to follow the procedure described in the original post.

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