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Just for Outlook Express fans:

My downloadable 160 macros collection contains 2 macros, which I use very often with Outlook Express:


Alt+F10 opens your Outlook Express Addressbook.wab and lets you enter 3-4 letters to find a specific E-Mail address. As soon as you use a mouse rightclick, this address will be automatically entered at your cursor position in every windows program.


Alt+Q new Email with OE

allows to choose an E-Mail address either by

marking the most important E-Mail recipients sorted to the beginning, by adding an asterix before the name shown on the first 2 pages of the recipients direktory, e.g.

"*Bernd Frisch "

or just enter 3-4 of the first letters.

The macro copies the E-Mail address into "TO"range,

opens a new message with my favorite template,

enters the contents of the field "Other" as standard subject

enters date & time after the city (as usually in a normal letter)

and formates an individual "greeting" according to the content of field "Title" in OE.


Hello in "Title" & "Professore" in field nickname will print:


Alzey, Germany - Feb. 28, 2005

Hello Professore !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Bernd!


I haven't used Outlook or the address book much till now, but your macro is good and makes ne want to consider it!


I guess you could do something more to maintain focus with a control; I imagine what works on my machine may not on yours!


You would have to re-program the "Wait" windows and the controls for the German text.


Macro Playback Speed: Normal Speed

// Alt+F10  OE Emailadresse irgendwo einfügen/Find&Enter Email

// Alt+F10 OE Email address somewhere insert find/&Enter Email

Variable Set String %T1% from Clipboard

Activate or Launch: "Address Book" OR "wab.exe"

Wait For Window Title: "Address Book"

Get Control %C1% (Address Book: Edit)

Text Box Display: NAME ?

Set Focus to %C1%

Wait Middle Mouse Click

Mouse Left Button Click

Text Box Close: NAME ?

Text Type: <ALT>FR

Wait For Window Title: "Properties"

Text Type: <TAB>

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Clipboard Copy

Delay 80 Milliseconds

Window Close: "Properties"

Wait Window Lose Focus: "Properties"

Window Close: "Address Book "

Wait Window Lose Focus: "Address Book "

Clipboard Paste

Text Type: <HOME>

Variable Modify String: Save %T1% to Clipboard


<SPEED:00001><REM2:Alt+F10  OE Emailadresse irgendwo einfügen/Find&Enter Email ><REM2:Alt+F10 OE Email address somewhere insert find/&Enter Email ><TVAR2:01:03:><LAUNCHYES3:1:0112Address Book<LAUNCH:wab.exe><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:Address Book><GETCONTROLP:01:WAB.EXE:002:WABBrowseViewAddress BookEdit><TBOX4:T:6:000618000063000400000137:000:NAME ?(Enter searched name.)  Then Middle Mouse Click on the name to continue (or select with middle mouse immediately)

(Eintragen gesucht nennt). Dann Mittleres Mausklicken auf dem Namen Fortzusetzen (oder mit mittlerer Maus sofort auszuwählen)><SETFOCUS:01><WAITMM:000010000000><LCLK><TBCLOSE:NAME ?><TEXTTYPE:<ALT>FR><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:Properties><TEXTTYPE:<TAB>><MSD:0080><CLIPC><MSD:0080><WCLS:Properties><WAITWLF2:000010:000000:Properties><WCLS:Address Book ><WAITWLF2:000010:000000:Address Book ><CLIPP><TEXTTYPE:<HOME>><TMVAR2:16:01:00:000:000:>


What do you think?


Best, Randall

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Hi Randallc,


unfortunately it didn't work with MM but only with RM on my computer. I prefer the RM (even if sometimes RM causes something, which has to be neutralized by ESC)



<SPEED:00001><REM2:Alt+F10  OE eMailadresse einfügen an Cursorposition+RM

                                        Alt+F10  OE Find&Enter eMailaddress at Cursorposition+RM


Fester-Namen/window names that have to be changed with Edit-Search&Replace :

Adressbuch=Address Book




><TVAR2:99:03:><LAUNCHNO3:0:0112Adressbuch<LAUNCH:c:\programme\Outlook Express\wab.exe>

<MSD:80><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:Adressbuch><MSD:10><GETCONTROLP:01:WAB.EXE:002:WABBrowseViewAddress BookEdit><MSD:10><TBOX4:T:3:000572000036000427000114:000:Name ?Enter searched name.

Then Right Mouse Click on the name to continue (or select with right mouse immediately)

Gesuchten Namen eingeben.

Weiter mit RM=Rechterer Mausklick auf dem Namen><SETFOCUS:01><WAITRM:000010000000>






I do not have any experience with GetControl yet, but it seems to work also.

It was always my aim to have a clear documentation, other programmers would understand. Therefore my REM's are mostly bilingual. Moreover I prefer Arrow ups/downs instead of using Alt+[Character] which I will have to translate. The search and replace of Window names unfortunately cannot be avoided.

I always use T99 for saving the clipboard on macro start, so no one will get mixed up with "normal" variables.


Best regards and thanks for your efforts.

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Hi Bernd,


I am surprised that you got the macro to work like that, as your "Get control" still has English "Address Book" in it; perhaps that is why the middle click doesn't work. I have not been using middle click for long; does it often give problems?


For macros people may use on dual systems, you could put in an "if" for language;


Variable Set String %T96% from Window Title

Variable Set String %T99% from Clipboard

If Folder Exists "C:\Program Files"

  Variable Set String %T98% "Address Book"

  Variable Set String %T97% "Properties"


  Variable Set String %T98% "Adressbuch"

  // What is the German name of your "Properties" Window?

  Variable Set String %T97% "Eigentümer"

End If


I presume you don't have to change the "clipboard" wording yourself?


I'm not sure of the German name for the "Properties" Window?


You don't need the full path of "wab.exe" as it is in the system path.


You may still have to run "Get control" yourself; Open "Address Book", double click on "Get control" in this macro; set "Hide Macro Express", run "launch", pull cross hairs onto the editing box you want, "Save", "OK"


Then edit "Get Control" again, and see if there is still alanguage problem (or send it to me); "Top level Window Caption" can be %T98% as only needs to be partial anyway; there may be another English/German string to make in the "if " declaration depending on "Display Control Info" data; ? in German. It may still be possible to put in a language provisional string in the "direct editor" if you have German alternatives to "%T98% - [WABBrowseView]" and "Edit"!


The macro then excludes the "ESC" key which I have found wanting at times; someone only has to have put a click in the wrong place and it may not work? - You may have found it reliable enough in your situations though...


Best, Randall

<SPEED:00001><REM2:Alt+F10  OE eMailadresse einfügen an Cursorposition+RM
                                       Alt+F10  OE Find&Enter eMailaddress at Cursorposition+RM

Fester-Namen/window names that have to be changed with Edit-Search&Replace :
Adressbuch=Address Book


><TVAR2:96:06:><TVAR2:99:03:><IFOTH:02:1:C:\Program Files><TVAR2:98:01:Address Book><TVAR2:97:01:Properties><ELSE><TVAR2:98:01:Adressbuch><REM2:What is the German name of your "Properties" Window?><TVAR2:97:01:Eigentümer><ENDIF><LAUNCHNO3:0:0112%T98%<LAUNCH:wab.exe><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:%T98%><GETCONTROLP:01:WAB.EXE:002:WABBrowseView%T98%Edit><TBOX4:T:3:000572000036000427000114:000:Name ?Enter searched name.
Then Right Mouse Click on the name to continue (or select with right mouse immediately)
Gesuchten Namen eingeben. 
Weiter mit RM=Rechterer Mausklick auf dem Namen><SETFOCUS:01><WAITRM:000010000000><LCLK><MSD:10><TBCLOSE:NAME ?><MSD:10><TEXTTYPE:<ESC>><MSD:10><TEXTTYPE:<ALT><ENTER>><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:%T97%><TEXTTYPE:<TAB>><CLIPC><MSD:10><WCLS:%T97%><WCLS:%T98%><ACTIVATE2:%T96%><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:%T96%><CLIPP><MSD:10><TEXTTYPE:<HOME>><TMVAR2:16:99:00:000:000:>


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Hi, Bernd,


Here's a dual- - language Current Date attempt;


What do you think/


Macro Playback Speed: Normal Speed
// Alt+3 dates: Sunday, the 16th Feb.  2003 17:11
Variable Set String %T99% from Clipboard
If Folder Exists "C:\Program Files"
 Variable Set String %T98% "th"
 Variable Set String %T97% ""
 Date/Time: Save " - dddd, MMMMpqr ddpq yyyy, t" into %T1%
 // use MMM if you only want 3 letters of the month
 Date/Time: Save " - dddd, pqr ddpq MMM. yyyy, t" into %T1%
 Variable Set String %T98% "."
 Variable Set String %T97% " den"
End If
Replace "pqr" with "%T97%" in %T1%
Replace "pq" with "%T98%" in %T1%
Date/Time: Save "dd" into %T2%
Variable Modify String: Delete Part of %T2%
If Variable %T2% <> "1"
 Replace "1th" with "1st" in %T1%
 Replace "2th" with "2nd" in %T1%
 Replace "3th" with "3rd" in %T1%
End If
Text Type: %T1%
Text Type: <HOME>
Variable Modify String: Save %T99% to Clipboard



<SPEED:00001><REM2:Alt+3 dates: Sunday, the 16th Feb.  2003 17:11><TVAR2:99:03:><IFOTH:02:1:C:\Program Files><TVAR2:98:01:th><TVAR2:97:01:><DT: - dddd, MMMMpqr ddpq yyyy, tT:01:1:><REM2:use MMM if you only want 3 letters of the month><ELSE><REM2:POSSIBLY NEEDS RE_ENTERING TO GET GERMAN MONTH NAMES?><DT: - dddd, pqr ddpq MMM. yyyy, tT:01:1:><TVAR2:98:01:.><TVAR2:97:01: den><ENDIF><TMVAR2:21:01:01:001:000:pqr%T97%><TMVAR2:21:01:01:001:000:pq%T98%><DT:ddT:02:1:><TMVAR2:11:02:00:002:001:><IFVAR2:1:02:2:1><TMVAR2:21:01:00:001:000:1th1st><TMVAR2:21:01:01:001:000:2th2nd><TMVAR2:21:01:01:001:000:3th3rd><ENDIF><TEXTTYPE:%T1%><TEXTTYPE:<HOME>><TMVAR2:16:99:00:000:000:>



eg Puts English Date as;

- Saturday, March 19th 2005, 1:03 AM

Best, Randall

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Good work, Randall,




Alt+3 date: - Sunday, the 16th Feb. 2003 17:11

Alt+3 Datum:- Freitag, den 18. März 2005 18:36




T97="the" or German/Deutsch="den"


T99=Save Clipboard


><TVAR2:99:03:><IFOTH:02:1:C:\Program Files><TVAR2:98:01:th><TVAR2:97:01:><DT: - dddd, MMMMpqr ddst yyyy, tT:01:1:><REM2:use MMM if you only want 3 letters of the month><ELSE><DT: - dddd, pqr dd. MMMM yyyy hh:mmT:01:1:><TVAR2:97:01:den><ENDIF><TMVAR2:21:01:01:001:000:pqr%T97%><TMVAR2:21:01:01:001:000:st%T98%><DT:ddT:02:1:><TMVAR2:11:02:00:002:001:><IFVAR2:1:02:2:1><TMVAR2:21:01:00:001:000:1th1st><TMVAR2:21:01:01:001:000:2th2nd><TMVAR2:21:01:01:001:000:3th3rd><ENDIF><TEXTTYPE:%T1%><TEXTTYPE:<HOME>><TMVAR2:16:99:00:000:000:>

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