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Best ME Setup For Network and Seamless With Excel?


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I would like to run the same Macros on my server that I do I my client station and be able to run them from lines in excel like:


  Shell ("C:\Program Files\Macro Express3\MeProc.exe /Acartwheel macro")


I can link up to the same libraries. That really isn't a problem. I'm having problems running ME Macros from both client and server from VBA lines in Excel. Should I move all the ME files to something like F:\Cartwheels\ME?

Then I could do


 F:\Cartwheels\ME\Macro Express3\MeProc.exe /Acartwheel macro")


Is that the right way to go?


Thanks in advance.

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So, I guess what I'm asking is... Can I move the program file folder for Macro Express from the C: drive to the F: drive (the F: drive is where most of our data is) without consequence. I know that I will have to change my short cuts to reflect the move, but other than that. Would I be alright with that move?

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