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Activating Macro using Hyperlink in Word


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I would like to start a Macro from the Mex Library by using a hyperlink in word. I already know that the command line


"c:\Program Files\Macro Express3\MeProc.exe" /AName of Macro


activates the macro described. But if i write this line in a word hyperlink it says something like „Adress not allowed“ What´s wrong?


What already works is to put the commandline in a .txt-File and rename it as a .cmd-file. Then link this file to the hyperlink in word. But then i got two nasty security questions. Very annoying.


I could use .mxe-Files but than i would have to export them after every change.


Any ideas?

Thank you



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Thank you very much rberq :rolleyes:


Unfortunately i get the same message. It´s in German but could be translated as:


The address of this website is not allowed. Check the address and try again.


Did you try you try your suggestion yourself? Does it work with your word version?. By the way i´m using Office 2007.

Thanks again.



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Cause i live in Frankfurt/Germany my dear! :D


This language thing got me already once. I was desperately creating commandlines in Word (German) and couldn´t figure out what was wrong. After posting here somebody worte:


"Hey whats wrong with you exclamationmarks?"


In Germany we use two different ones: „Text“. Of course no pc understands that. ;-)


So do you have any other ideas when it comes to Clicking to fire macros in word?


Thank you


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I would like to start a Macro from the Mex Library by using a hyperlink in word. I already know that the command line


"c:\Program Files\Macro Express3\MeProc.exe" /AName of Macro


activates the macro described. But if i write this line in a word hyperlink it says something like „Adress not allowed“ What´s wrong?


What already works is to put the commandline in a .txt-File and rename it as a .cmd-file. Then link this file to the hyperlink in word. But then i got two nasty security questions. Very annoying.


I could use .mxe-Files but than i would have to export them after every change.


Any ideas?

Thank you




I just tried this with a similar shortcut:

"C:\Program Files\Macro Express3\MacExp.exe" /APosition & size GE & Mem-Map


(The macro works fine, positioning and sizing two program windows, Google Earth and Memory-Map.)


But the hyperlink that ends up in Word 2000 is only the executable:

C:\Program Files\Macro Express3\MacExp.exe


I don't see why the other parameters would be included? But you obviously do, so maybe I'm missing something?


On clicking the link, I get the familiar warning message about macros (VBA macros in this context) and on clicking OK that's all I see (presumably because MacExp.exe is already running).



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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Well Terry, the other parameters behind the /A specify the macro to trigger. It´s simply the name of the macro.


Yes, I know, but my question is why would you expect that additional information to be acceptable as part of a hyperlink?


My line executed in Start or as a cmd works but not as a word link.


Notice the difference between MacExp.exe and MeProc.exe.





Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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