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Sample Macros

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I just realized I don't have any sample Macros on my system. A C: drive search pulls up a few "sample" titles, none of

which are related to Macro Express. The "Tutorial" menu refers to sample macros, but I wonder if ME Pro has any?


If so, where might I find them? I am pretty sure they didn't download with my copy, in which case, where would I be

able to get them on the Macro Express website (if possible)?

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I just realized I don't have any sample Macros on my system. If so, where might I find them?

The sample macros should be found in the samples.mex macro file installed in the same folder where Macro Express Pro is installed. These are the same sample macros distributed with Macro Express except they have been upgraded to run in Macro Express Pro.


All sample macros are available from our Shared Macros page. There are not any samples specific to Macro Express Pro yet.

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Ok thanks guys!


Samples.mex didn't install with my download (but honestly, I don't remember if there was a "cusomized" download option in which case

I may have arrogantly chosen not to download the samples).


I did find the ones on the Shared Macros page, but recognized them as the old ones from ME 3.x.


If there aren't any specific samples for MEP, yet, then I shall forebear.


Thanks again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There were problems with the sample macros included with Macro Express Pro v The problem is that the macros do not run from the menu of macros. For the most part the macros themselves will run and they are still valuable as a tool to learn how to write macros using certain features.


The macros have been corrected and the new samples.mex macro file will be included with the next release of Macro Express Pro. In the meantime, you may download the updated samples.mex file by visiting our Sample Macros page.

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