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Error When Running Printer Select Macro


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I was wondering if anyone else has come across this error: First of all, I want macro express to choose a default printer when a key is pressed, or even on start up. Simple enough. The printer that I want it to select as default is a networked printer, so its not local to the computer. now, when I try this and run it on startup (indefinitely and everyday of the week), a runtime error occurs, and it shutdown macro express. In Fact, I can't even reopen macro express without the error (since it runs on startup) sp i have to open a different .mex file, and then make the necessary changes (in this case deleting the macro and trying again hehe). Anyone have any ideas? They would be much appreciated.

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Please send the crash report to Insight Software Solutions. You can either use the ISS Bug Reporter to do this or visit the web page www.macros.com/bugreport.htm. The ISS Bug Reporter comes up automatically whenever a crash occurs.


The crash information is stored in files that begin with the word Error. If you do not want to recreate the crash you can find the crash information in one of these files. To find where the files containing crash information are stored, click Options, Preferences and File Paths. The folder where the error files are stored is shown in the 'Crash Report Path' box.

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