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Invalid error message about shortkey activation

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I assigned a shortkey 'ff' to a macro for a pop-up menu (of macros related to Firefox). But when I use Save & Close I get "The ShortKey activation may conflict with one or more macros. You may have multiple macros launched when using this activation.". Yet in the full list sorted by Activation there is no other macro of any type shown with this activation 'ff'.


I tried restarting ME Pro but no difference.


Anyone else seen similar behaviour please?



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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Yes, I have encountered the problem several times. I am quite sure I entered a bug report on the problem a long time ago.


I use . (period) as a termination character for ShortKey activations. If I have a ShortKey macro whose activation is a. and create another whose activation is aa. then creation of the aa. macro will result in the conflict error message you described. Investigation of the macro file reveals that there is no conflict. Evidently, the algorithm used is incorrect.


I just ran a test case and I still get the conflict error message so it has not been corrected.


Jeff Cleveland

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Thanks Jeff. I've now also reported it via the Bug Report page. Presumably this bug is confined to macros of pop-up menus. I haven't checked it out in ME 3, have you?


In my case I use a prefix of '##' for all shortkeys.


I've had to swap activation to a hotkey. But not only are those becoming harder to remember but it's getting difficult to find any that don't conflict with shortcuts in other applications. Firefox for example turns out to have quite a lot I wasn't aware of until I activated them inadvertently. ;)



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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No, the problem is not limited to pop-up menus. I do not use pop-up menus yet - mine are just typical execution style ShortKey macros where the conflict problem occurs.


I use ; (semicolon) as a prefix ShortKey activation character as it is lower case on keyboards and is easier to enter. I use . (period) as a termination character so that all my ShortKey activations are unique (even though Pro does not think so). All my "conflict" macros do execute correctly.


Jeff Cleveland

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