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if system tray icon exists


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Is there any technique I can use on macro express 3.x to check if a specific system tray icon exists?


I know I can use a macro command to move the mouse to a specified system tray icon, but I'm trying to do this check without moving the mouse.


I don't see an option within the "If" family of commands to check for a system tray icon, but if I could generate a list of the system tray icons and put that list in a text variable, I could check that way.


I can't simply check if the program is running, because the program in question may or may not produce the system tray icon depending on environmental conditions.

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I think you can infer it:


Grab mouse position into var1

Move mouse to tray icon command

Grab mouse position into var2

if var1=var2 mouse didnt move and try icon is not present

if var1=/=var2 mouse moved and must have gone to tray icon


Note that if the icon is 'hidden' in the tray behind a collapsed view this would not work.

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I think you can infer it:


Grab mouse position into var1

Move mouse to tray icon command

Grab mouse position into var2

if var1=var2 mouse didnt move and try icon is not present

if var1=/=var2 mouse moved and must have gone to tray icon


Note that if the icon is 'hidden' in the tray behind a collapsed view this would not work.


That fails because macro reports error message. But prompted by your general idea I wrote the following which seems to work OK.


Get Mouse Position into (%N[1]%, %N[2]%) Relative to Screen // Capture existing position so that it can be restored later if required

Move Mouse to Tray Icon to AWC // Move mouse cursor to tray icon with a name including the string 'AWC'

On Error

Catch Error: The system tray icon does not exist

Text Box Display: Result // Message if tray icon is not present

End Catch Error

End Error

Mouse Move: %N[1]%, %N[2]% Relative to Screen // If mouse did move, return it to its original position.

(May instead want to leave it there, ready to click the icon.)

Macro Return


<GET MOUSE POSITION Option="\x00" X="%N[1]%" Y="%N[2]%" _COMMENT="Capture existing position so that it can be restored later if required"/>
<MOVE MOUSE TO TRAY ICON Icon="AWC" Exact="FALSE" Center="TRUE" Left="0" Top="0" _HANDLE="0x002F" _COMMENT="Move mouse cursor to tray icon with a name including the string 'AWC'"/>
<CATCH ERROR Code="47"/>
<TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Result" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang2057{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs16 That tray icon does not exist\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="TRUE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0" _COMMENT="Message if tray icon is not present"/>
<MOUSE MOVE Option="\x01" X="%N[1]%" Y="%N[2]%" _PROMPT="0x000A" _COMMENT="If mouse did move, return it to its original position.\r\n(May instead want to leave it there, ready to click the icon.)"/>



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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That fails because macro reports error message. But prompted by your general idea I wrote the following which seems to work OK.


Get Mouse Position into (%N[1]%, %N[2]%) Relative to Screen // Capture existing position so that it can be restored later if required

Move Mouse to Tray Icon to AWC // Move mouse cursor to tray icon with a name including the string 'AWC'

On Error

Catch Error: The system tray icon does not exist

Text Box Display: Result // Message if tray icon is not present

End Catch Error

End Error

Mouse Move: %N[1]%, %N[2]% Relative to Screen // If mouse did move, return it to its original position.

(May instead want to leave it there, ready to click the icon.)

Macro Return


<GET MOUSE POSITION Option="\x00" X="%N[1]%" Y="%N[2]%" _COMMENT="Capture existing position so that it can be restored later if required"/>
<MOVE MOUSE TO TRAY ICON Icon="AWC" Exact="FALSE" Center="TRUE" Left="0" Top="0" _HANDLE="0x002F" _COMMENT="Move mouse cursor to tray icon with a name including the string 'AWC'"/>
<CATCH ERROR Code="47"/>
<TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Result" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang2057{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs16 That tray icon does not exist\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="TRUE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0" _COMMENT="Message if tray icon is not present"/>
<MOUSE MOVE Option="\x01" X="%N[1]%" Y="%N[2]%" _PROMPT="0x000A" _COMMENT="If mouse did move, return it to its original position.\r\n(May instead want to leave it there, ready to click the icon.)"/>



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

When I saw this I was stunned. I've never seen an "On Error" option, and after scouring ME3 and finally just copying your code

into an editor I realized something: It's not available in ME 3.


Another reason to upgrade to ME Pro, because this On Error command is awesome (How did I miss its existence in Pro till now?)

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