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Macro Express Pro - After one week

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Hi everybody,

i just want to share my experience after upgrading to MEX Pro for one week.


It´s a big improvement. I love the new look, the goto Label - Feature, the submenus and the Poly- Scripteditor. Thanks everybody. Many things i missed have been implemented. Nevertheless here are some things you may still find considerable for an update.


- The MEX Windows (Explorer, Script Editor) are loosing focus after several operations (Saving Ctrl + L) which is kind of annoying.


- I cannot find the option to place a text box display relative to a specific or current window.


- The Script Editor closes completely after closing the last tab.


- While building floating menus it would be nice to add the macro of the left column in the Menu (right) by double clicking.


- A incremental search by pressing characters in the left column would also be useful there.


- Selfdefinable Command folders are a great idea. But i which i would have those and the snippets folder in the "All Commands"-View as they were faster accessable there.


- I learned MEX by pressing the Help Buttons accessable from every command. I miss that option.


- The seperator icon does not work for horizontol floating menus. Instead it creates a line break.


- In MEX 3.X i had keycommands for the scripteditor. I miss those for inserting, dislocating commandlines or macros in the menubuilder.


- For the keycommands which are implemented it would be good to show them while hovering above the button.

I have the feeling that MEX Pro executes Macros quicker and that i have to add or extend pauses where necessary. Can anybody confirm this? Thank you.


Keep up the good work.



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- The MEX Windows (Explorer, Script Editor) are loosing focus after several operations (Saving Ctrl + L) which is kind of annoying.

I personally haven't seen this problem. You may want to file a bug report: www.macros.com/bugreport.htm


- I cannot find the option to place a text box display relative to a specific or current window.

This was not an option in ME3 either (at least I never found it there), though I think it would be nice for all pop-up windows to have this option. http://www.macros.com/requestfeature.htm


- The Script Editor closes completely after closing the last tab.

What did you expect? When you close the last tab, there are no other macros open for editing. The Macro Explorer remains open, so you can still select new macros to edit.


- While building floating menus it would be nice to add the macro of the left column in the Menu (right) by double clicking.


- A incremental search by pressing characters in the left column would also be useful there.


- Selfdefinable Command folders are a great idea. But i which i would have those and the snippets folder in the "All Commands"-View as they were faster accessable there.



- I learned MEX by pressing the Help Buttons accessable from every command. I miss that option.

The Help buttons have disappeared from many areas, but the Help function itself is still available through the F1 key. This has been discussed in previous threads, and I believe a feature request to add the buttons is already "on the books" at ISS.


- The seperator icon does not work for horizontol floating menus. Instead it creates a line break.


- In MEX 3.X i had keycommands for the scripteditor. I miss those for inserting, dislocating commandlines or macros in the menubuilder.


- For the keycommands which are implemented it would be good to show them while hovering above the button.

At the risk of sounding redundant: http://www.macros.com/requestfeature.htm


I have the feeling that MEX Pro executes Macros quicker and that i have to add or extend pauses where necessary. Can anybody confirm this?

Yep. I have had similar experiences.

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Timing is quicker than ME3 but several programmatic functions are slower. IE if you have any computationally intensive macros that work behind the GUI you might see some hits. However many of these have been remedied.

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